
The Docker image for Aria2 + AriaNg + File Browser

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Aria2 + AriaNg + Filebrowser

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Docker Pulls Github Build

One Docker image for all file downloading, managing, playing and evening sharing platforms!

Besides, it's pretty small and ARM CPU supported which means you can run it on Raspberry Pi🍓.

Last but not least, SSL enabling so easy!

AriaNG Screenshot

File Browser File Browser


  • Aria2 (SSL support)
  • AriaNg
  • Auto HTTPS (Let's Encrypt)
  • Bind non root user into container, so non root user can also manage downloaded files.
  • Basic Auth
  • File indexing and video playing (File Browser)
  • Add support for ARM CPUs, please choose correct docker image TAG

Recommended versions

  • wahyd4/aria2-ui:latest
  • wahyd4/aria2-ui:arm32
  • wahyd4/aria2-ui:arm64

How to run

Quick run

  docker run -d --name aria2-ui -p 80:80 wahyd4/aria2-ui

Full features run

  docker run -d --name ariang \
  -p 80:80 \
  -p 443:443 \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e ENABLE_AUTH=true \
  -e RPC_SECRET=Hello \
  -e DOMAIN=https://example.com \
  -e ARIA2_SSL=false \
  -e ARIA2_USER=user \
  -e ARIA2_PWD=pwd \
  -v /yourdata:/data \
  -v /app/a.db:/app/filebrowser.db \
  -v /yoursslkeys/:/app/conf/key \
  -v <the folder of aria2.conf and aria2.session>:/app/conf \

Run with docker-compose

If you wanna get rid of those annoying command line things, just put the following sample content into docker-compose.yaml

version: "3.5"
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: wahyd4/aria2-ui:latest
      - ENABLE_AUTH=true
      - ARIA2_USER=hello
      - ARIA2_PWD=world
      - DOMAIN=toozhao.com
      - ./data:/data

Then just run docker-compose up -d, that's it!

Supported Environment Variables

  • ENABLE_AUTH whether to enable Basic auth
  • ARIA2_USER Basic Auth username
  • ARIA2_PWD Basic Auth password
  • PUID Bind Linux UID into container which means you can use non root user to manage downloaded files, default UID is 1000
  • PGID Bind Linux GID into container, default GID is 1000
  • RPC_SECRET The Aria2 RPC secret token
  • DOMAIN The domain you'd like to bind, when domain is a https:// thing, then auto SSL feature will be enabled

Supported Volumes

  • /data The folder which contains all the files you download.
  • /app/conf/key The folder which stored Aria2 SSL certificate and key file. Notice: The certificate file should be named aria2.crt and the key file should be named aria2.key
  • /app/conf The Aria2 configuration and file session folder. Make sure you have aria2.conf and aria2.session file. For the first time aria2.session just need to be a empty file can be appended. You can also user the templates for these two file in the conf folder of this project.
  • /app/filebrowser.db File Browser settings database, make sure you make a empty file first on your host.

Auto SSL enabling

Make sure you have add proper A record point to the host you running to your domain DNS record list, then just add e option to bind the https domain when you run the image

docker run -d --name aria2-ui -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -e DOMAIN=https://toozhao.com wahyd4/aria2-ui

Build the image by yourself

docker build -t aria2-ui .

Docker Hub


Usage it in Docker compose

Please refer https://github.com/wahyd4/aria2-ariang-x-docker-compose


  1. When you running the docker image with non 80 port or you have HTTPS enabled, you will meet the error says Aria2 Status Disconnected, then you will need to go to AriaNg Settings -> RPC (at the top of the page) to modify the port value in Aria2 RPC Address field. Due to AriaNg store all configurations in local browser, so you need to do this per browser.
  2. If there is no speed at all when you downloading a BitTorrent file, please try to use a popular torrent file first to help the application to cache DHT file. Then the speed should get fast and fast, as well as downloading other links.