Integrated Human Resource Information System

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Integrated Human Resource Information System

Linux (Ubuntu) Installation - Supporting Software - 18.04

Here are instructions for installing the supporting software for iHRIS on a Linux (Ubuntu) system. If you need help installing Ubuntu you may want to take a look at these directions for installing a Server or a Desktop system. For a server setup, we recommend using a LTS (long term support) version of Ubuntu.

Note: Unless specifically mentioned, all the commands below are run using a terminal. You can start this in Ubuntu by going to Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal. Any time a command begins with sudo it will prompt for your password because this will be run with administrative privileges. When you run sudo multiple times, only the first time will ask for your password.

Note: Some installation commands will prompt for inputs in the terminal window, usually with a blue background. The mouse doesn't work to click on options here. You can use Tab to move between options and the space bar to check or uncheck selections.

Note: Some commands will launch the nano file editor. Look at the documentation if you need additional help.

We begin by install a Lamp server (You can find more help here):

$ sudo tasksel install lamp-server 

If you have never used mysql on your system, you will be asked to set the 'root' password for mysql. We will refer to this password as XXXXX below.

Important: Make sure your email system is correctly configured. Under a default Ubuntu installation, you can do this with one of two commands:

$ sudo apt install postfix sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix

Follow the on-screen instructions to set up email on your system. For additional help with installing Postfix, look at these instructions. On Debian systems, the same commands can be used, but exim4 is the default MTA instead of postfix If you are using another Linux distribution, make sure your system can send email properly before continuing.

Configuring MYSQL

Make sure you have in /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf the following values set:

$ sudo gedit /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf 
query_cache_limit = 4M query_cache_size = 64M 

Create /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/sql-mode.cnf and set the sql-mode variable.

$ sudo gedit /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/sql-mode.cnf

If not already configured, set up the MySQL system and root login:

$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

To configure MySQL so iHRIS can create needed functions:

$ mysql -u root -p 

Enter the password you set above (XXXXX) for MySQL. If the password isn't working, try running it as the root user as the auth_socket authorization may be enabled:

$ sudo mysql 

You will now be able to send commands to MySQL and the prompt should always begin with 'mysql> '. Type these commands:

SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1; exit

Now restart mysql so these changes take affect.

$ sudo service mysql restart

[SETTING THE PASSWORD MANUALLY IS OPTIONAL] If the password you set above doesn't work, you can run the following set of commands to set it manually in the database; Replace putyourpasswordhere with a MEDIUM strength password by the following criteria. (Only Medium or Strong password will work)

LOW Length >= 8 MEDIUM Length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, and special characters STRONG Length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, special characters and dictionary

$ sudo mysql > ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'putyourpasswordhere';

To confirm the password is set run this and you should see the column with User=root has a password hash.

SELECT User, Host, HEX(authentication_string) FROM mysql.user;

Installing PHP Packages

We need to install a few Pear and PECL packages for PHP. For the Pear packages you can do:

$ sudo apt install php-pear php-gd php-tidy php-intl php-bcmath php-text-password php-mbstring php-uuid

To install APCu you need to run this command:

$ sudo apt install php-apcu 

During certain activities like installation and upgrades you may need more memory than APC uses by default. We also want to turn off the slam defense. We need to edit the configuration file file for apcu:

sudo nano /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/apcu.ini 

It should look like this:

extension=apcu.so apc.enabled=1 apc.write_lock=1 apc.shm_size=100M apc.slam_defense=0 apc.enable_cli=1

See slam defense and this.

Debian Squeeze

If you are using Debian Squeeze, then the value of apc.shm_size should be:

Install Memcached

With version 4.0.4 and greater of iHRIS you can use memcached to improve performance Note: Memcached is used to cache data from the database. Thus if you are an a sitaution where you would need to restart the webserver by

$ sudo systemctl restart apache2

you should now do

$ sudo systemctl restart apache2 && sudo systemctl restart memcached

To install, simply do

$ sudo apt install php-memcached memcached

Set ZendOpcache options Edit the opcache config file with this command:

$ sudo nano /etc/php/7.2/mods-available/opcache.ini  

It should look like this for a production system: configuration for php ZendOpcache module


For a development system you should modify revalidate_freq from 60 to 2:


Configuring Apache Web Server

Document Root

In Ubuntu 18.04, the default document root is /var/www/html so when installing any iHRIS applications you will need to use the new directory to place the symlinks. If you are upgrading you may or may not need to update these depending on if you replaced the Apache configuration files during the previous upgrade.

Enable Rewrite Module You will see later we are using the apache rewrite module. To enable the module:

$ sudo a2enmod rewrite 

Enable .htaccess Configuration Now we need to make sure we can use the .htaccess file.

$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf


<Directory /var/www/>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None 
    Require all granted 


<Directory /var/www/> 
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews 
    AllowOverride All 
    Require all granted 

Save and quit.

Restart Apache

You'll need to restart Apache after making these changes.

$ sudo service apache2 restart

Download Source Packages (4.3)

$ cd /var/lib
$ sudo git clone https://github.com/iHRIS-Kenya/iHRIS.git

Configuring a Site

Once you've downloaded the packages for your application, you will need to configure a site. You can use a site you've created or a demo site which you can find in the particular application you're working on in sites/Demo.

Create a Database

First you'll need to create a database and user for your site. Run this command from the terminal and then enter the password for the root database user you created when installing MySQL.

$ mysql -u root -p

Then at the mysql> prompt type these commands replacing DATABASE with your database and PASSWORD with the password you'd like to use for this connection.

create database DATABASE; grant all privileges on DATABASE.* to ihris@localhost identified by 'PASSWORD'; exit
Configure Site

Next you'll need to configure the config.values.php file for your site. Run these commands after you've changed into the site pages directory. For example if you're working with the iHRIS Manage Demo site you would run:

$ cd /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.3.3/ihris-manage/sites/Demo/pages
$ mkdir local/ 
$ cp config.values.php local/ 
$ cp htaccess.TEMPLATE .htaccess 
$ sudo nano local/config.values.php

Now find the configuration variables in the file that opens and change to the appropriate values. Again for this example using iHRIS Manage, but replace with appropriate values for the application and site you're using.

Variable Name Value
$i2ce_site_i2ce_path /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.3.3/I2CE
$i2ce_site_dsn mysql://ihris:PASWORD@localhost/DATABASE
$i2ce_site_module_config var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.3.3/ihris-manage/sites/Demo/iHRIS-Manage-Demo.xml

Now edit the .htaccess file to set the RewriteBase:

$ sudo nano .htaccess

Change the RewriteBase line to be the path in the web server for your site.

RewriteBase /manage-demo

Set Up the Site in the Web Server The last step is to create a symbolic link in the web root directory for your site. For our example we'll use /manage-demo. For Ubuntu 14.04 and later the web root is /var/www/html. Prior to 14.04 it is just /var/www. Be sure to use the correct directory in the following steps.

$ cd /var/www/html 
$ sudo ln -s /var/lib/iHRIS/lib/4.3.3/ihris-manage/sites/Demo/pages manage-demo