Upload Service

This is simple upload service for uploading files to the server. It is written in Python 3.10 and uses Flask framework as a backend and HTMX for interactive UI.

GitHub Application

In order to make authentication work, you need to create GitHub application.

The only scope is required is a user:email scope.

To run application locally you need to set callback URL to http://localhost:8000/login/authorized.


This project built using poetry. To start development, you need to install poetry. Also, you need to create environment file. You can use .env.example as a template.

cp env.example .env

Install dependencies and run the project:

poetry install --no-root
poetry run upload-service


To run application in docker container, you need to build it first.

Using nix

If you are running ARM64 system, consider replace x86_64-linux with aarch64-linux or aarch64-darwin in the following command.

nix build .#dockerImage.x86_64-linux
docker load < result

Using docker

docker build -t upload-service .


To run resulted image use the following command:

mkdir -p uploads
docker run --env-file .env -p 8000:8000 -v ./uploads:/uploads upload-service:<imagetag>

Caveats and something to improve

  • No coordination (locks) on disk operations. It is possible to get a race condition between two requests
  • No API design
  • More things to parametrize via environment variables
  • No size limit for uploaded files
  • Not all possible errors are handled
  • Need background task for cleaning up temporary files
  • API handler to persist temporary uploads
  • Could be reimplemented using async framework
  • Could be reimplemented using some other storage (like S3)
  • Static assets are better to be served by nginx or CDN

Deployment options

The most universal way to deploy this application is to use docker. You can use docker-compose or kubernetes to deploy. Also, various cloud providers have their own deployment tools, like Fargate in AWS.

But this application could also be packaged as a python wheel and be deployed alongside with other WSGI application servers

Since this application does not maintain any database schema it could be easily updated by just replacing docker image or python wheel.


API contains two endpoints for uploading files:

  • /api/upload - synchronous persistent upload
  • /api/upload_temporary - temporary upload

Second hanlder is usually used for uploading files to be latter attached to some form. You might create form with file upload control. And start uploading file without even sending form. But after file being uploaded, you replace file control with hidden input and set its value to the token you got from temporary upload handler. Then you submit the form and server will persist file in permanent with all required metadata.

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8000/api/upload_temporary -H "Authorization: Bearer <github token>" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d "[{\"filename\": \"README.md\", \"content\": \"$(base64 -w 0 README.md)\"}]"
curl -X PUT http://localhost:8000/api/upload -H "Authorization: Bearer <github token>" -H "Content-type: application/json" -d "[{\"filename\": \"README.md\", \"content\": \"$(base64 -w 0 README.md)\"}]"