The first portfolio website which you can check Colors v1 had lots of bugs, mobile responsivness issues, basically, I was just a beginner when I made that website but it was good enough back then. Here's a newer, more stable, and more mobile friendly version of it.
I wanna thank Matt for this amazing javascript library typed.js and of course, Bootstrap for their famous framework. Other than these, each line of code was hard coded by myself from scratch.
The main idea of the website, the color changer, was inspired by Cubezapp.
- Get a custom domain and link it to my repo here on github.
- Get a custom email address with Google that matches my custom domain.
I open sourced this code so you guys out there can check it out. But if you manage to use any idea, chunk of code, or design of my website, I ask you to credit me on your page.
- Mohamad Moudallal - I basically built the whole thing - Mohamad Moudallal
This project is licensed under the MIT License