
Primary LanguageHTML

General TODOS

TODO(Together): Create the home page structure for index.html

TODO: Create Blog Post HTML structure and styling

It needs to follow a class structure like this:

class post

    class post-image

    class post-content

        class post-date

        class post-title

        class post-text

HINT: Use Unsplash for image to test

HINT: Set the .post-image to have flex-basis: 40%;

TODO: Add nice hover effect for the blog post

HINT: use translate3d and transition

HINT: Hover box shadow box-shadow: 0 2rem 5rem 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1);

TODO: Add the New Post Button Styling

background-color: #004186;
box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.26);

On Hover:
background-color: #002349;

<div class="add-post">
    <a href="new-post.html">
        <div class="nav-button new-post-button">+</div>

TODO: Complete the post.html page

It needs to follow a class structure like this:

class navigation

    a link

class post-container

    id individual-post-title

    id individual-post-date

    id individual-post-content

TODO API (Together): Set Up a NodeJS Server

TODO API: Create an API Endpoint to return list of posts

Endpoint: /api/posts Method: GET

    "id": "1581461442206",
    "title": "This is a New Blog Post",
    "content": "This is the content! ",
    "post_image": "uploads/post-image-1581461442199.jpg",
    "added_date": "1581461442206"

TODO API (Together): Create post.js for interacting with data.json

TODO API: Create readData function to get data from data.json

TODO API(Together): Create storeData function to store data into data.json together with add() function

TODO API : Create an API Endpoint to return one post based on id

Endpoint: /api/posts/:post_id Method: GET

HINT: Use post.js for getting data from data.json

TODO(Together): Complete index.js to connect to API and get list of posts

HINT Make sure to make the statis files public

TODO: Complete post.js to get data from API and fill in the post.html

HINT(Together): Think about how you are going to link from index to post.html

TODO API: Create API endpoint for adding a new post without image upload

HINT: Make sure test with postman

HINT: Use post.js add() function

HINT: add "id" with current date

HINT: add "added_date"

Endpoint: /api/posts Method: POST


title: <text>
content: <text>
post-image: "uploads/post-image-1581375207393.jpg"

TODO API(Together): Add ability to upload file to API

TODO: Complete new-post.js to be able to submit new post