Most Volatile Coins Bot

This project is a Python-based bot that monitors cryptocurrency markets on Binance to identify the most volatile coins based on their price movements. It uses Binance WebSocket API to stream real-time market data and calculate the volatility of each coin.

How it Works

The bot connects to the Binance WebSocket API and listens to the Kline/Candlestick data for specified cryptocurrency pairs. When a candle closes, it calculates the volatility of the coin and keeps track of the most volatile ones for a specific interval. It then notifies the user with the symbol and the percentage change in price for the coin with the largest candlestick in that interval.

Project Files Contains the main script for the bot, including the WebSocket connection setup and functions for processing messages and detecting volatile coins. Contains utility functions to fetch coin pairs and construct the WebSocket stream link. Holds configuration parameters like the coin pair, number of coins to track, candlestick interval, and Telegram BOT and ChatID.

How to Use

Clone the repository: git clone

Install the required Python packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

Ensure you have valid Binance API credentials and update them in the file.

Set up a Telegram bot and obtain the bot token and chat ID. Update bot_token and chat_id in

Configure the desired candlestick interval in Run the bot: python

The bot will start monitoring the specified coin pairs and notify you of the most volatile coins whenever a significant change in volatility is detected.