Mostaql Scraper

Unofficial bot who scrapes offers the moment they are published on Mostaql freelance platform using Tor service.

Run Tor service : 

  • Download Tor from here for windows. For Linux you need only to type this command :
  sudo apt install tor && service tor start
  • Unzip the file and run tor.exe file for Windows.

  • Tor service is running on

Why do we use Tor service?

We use Tor service to scrape data, as it allows us to change our IP address for each request, thus avoiding potential bans. Tor service provides this IP rotation functionality, and it is free to use.

How to start the bot?

  • Get your telegram chat_id from here
  • Create new bot from here and extract the bot_token.
  • Send at least one message from your Telegram account to the Bot.
  • Open file and put the chat_id and bot_token to their corresponding name.
  • Clone the repository or download it from here and unzip it.
  • Open mostaql_scraper folder on cmd and type :
  pip install -r requirements 
  • The bot starts listening for new offers and send them to Telegram.