
A repository that enhance javascript Object capabilities

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

spicy_object ❤️ 💥 🚀

A JS/TS Library that allow developers to easily manipulate javascript object by providing a bunch of useful method that will make working with object as simple as working with arrays.

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Table Of Contents 📑


Spicy_Object is a TS/JS NPM Package to enhance javascript Object capabilities by adding a bunch of methods that help manipulate them easily.


To use this library you need to install it using :

npm install spicy_object --save
npm i spicy_object --save


yarn add spicy_object


After installation you need to import the library using :

import { _Object } from "spicy_object"

A basic usage would be to test if an object is empty

let myObject = {}

//expected output

For further usage please go to the next section.


➤ size

This is not a method this is an attribute that allow you to get the size of an object

Syntax :


use case :

const yourObject = {/*object entries*/}
const result = _Object(yourObject).size

//expected output

➤ isEmpty

This method help us determine whether an object is empty or not.

Syntax :


use case :

const yourObject = {/*object entries*/}
const result = _Object(yourObject).isEmpty()

//expected output

For simplicity to illustrate a use case of following methos those Object will be used

const userInfo = {
    job: "Developer",
    address: "Dakar",
    interest: {
      music: [
          drill: ["uk", "sn", "us"]
      sports: ["football", "basketball"]

//This could be returned by a backend
const users = {
      job: "Developer",
      address: "Dakar",
      interest: {
        music: ["rnb", "rap"],
        sports: ["football", "basketball"],
        food: [
            senegal: {0:"yassa", 1:"mafé"},
            mali: ["yassa", "mafé", "jolof rice"]
            usa: ["burger", "nuggets", 
                {jfr:["jfr_sn", "jfr_ng"]}
            italia: ["pizza", "peperoni"]
      job: "attorney",
      address: "Dakar",
      interest: {
        music: ["rnb", "rap"],
        sports: ["football", "basketball"],
        language: ["deutch", "english"]
      job: "plice officer",
      address: "Dakar",
      interest: {
        music: ["rnb", "rap", "trap"],
        sports: ["basketball", "handball"],
        countries: {
          Africa: ["Senegal", "Rwanda", "Morroco"],
          Europe: ["England", "Russia"],
          Asia: ["China", "Saudi Arabia", "Palestine"],
          America: ["Brasil", "Mexico", "USA"],
          Oceania: ["Australia"]

➤ toMap

This method allow you to convert your object to a map.

Syntax :


use case :

const myMap = _Object(userInfo).toMap()


//expected output
    name  "John",
    age  30,
    car  null,
    job  "Developer",
    address  "Dakar",
    interest  {
        music: ["rnb","rap",{drill: ["uk", "sn", "us"]}],
        sports: ["football", "basketball"]

➤ getFirstEntry

This method allow you to get the first entry of an object.

Syntax :


use case :

const firstEntry = _Object(userInfo).getFirstEntry()


//expected output

➤ getLastEntry

This method allow you to get the last entry of an object.

Syntax :


use case :

const lastEntry = _Object(userInfo).getLastEntry()


//expected output
    music: ["rnb","rap",{drill: ["uk", "sn", "us"]}],
    sports: ["football", "basketball"]

➤ getEntryByKey

This method allow you to get the value of an deeply nested entry inside an object by only passing his key as parameter.

Syntax :


use case :

/*In this example we are using our users object declared previously and we are tryin to access the jfr key
//using vanilla js
let result = users[0].interest.food[1].usa[2][0].jfr

//using this library
let result = _Object(users).getEntryByKey("jfr")

//expected output for both method
[ "jfr_sn", "jfr_ng" ]

➤ getEntryByPath

This method allow you to get the value of an deeply nested

entry inside an object by only passing the path that lead to this entry as parameter.

Syntax :


use case :

/*In this example we are using our users object declared previously and we are tryin to access the jfr key
by using the path that leads to this key
//using vanilla js
let result = users[0].interest.food[1].usa[2][0].jfr

//using this library
let result = _Object(users).getEntryByPath("0.interest.food.1.usa.2.0.jfr")

//expected output for both method
[ "jfr_sn", "jfr_ng" ]

➤ filter

This method allow you to filter an object by passing a filter function that returns a boolean.

It works just like the filter method of arrays.

It returns the filtered Object

Syntax :

_Object(yourObject).filter((value, key?optional, index?optional) => {/*body*/})

use case :

const filtered = _Object(userInfo).filter((info) => `${info}`.includes('D'))


//expected output
{ job: "Developer", address: "Dakar" }

//More advanced filter

const products = {
    0: { name: 'Orbit', color: 'Blue', size: 50, locations: ['USA', 'Europe'], details: { length:    20, width: 70 } },
    1: { name: 'Galsen', color: 'Blue', size: 60, locations: [], details: { length: 20, width: 70 } },
    2: { name: 'DaoudaBa', color: 'Black', size: 70, locations: ['Japan'], details: { length: 20, width: 71 } },
    3: { name: 'Mouhamed', color: 'Green', size: 50, locations: ['USA'], details: { length: 20, width: 71 } }

        (_) => (
        _.size === 50 || _.size === 70
        && ['blue', 'black'].includes(_.color.toLowerCase())
        && _.locations.find(x => ['JAPAN', 'USA'].includes(x.toUpperCase()))
        && 30 > _.details.length >= 70

//expected output
    0: { name: 'Orbit', color: 'Blue', size: 50, locations: ['USA', 'Europe'], details: { length: 20, width: 70 },
    1: { name: 'DaoudaBa', color: 'Black', size: 70, locations: ['Japan'], details: { length: 20, width: 71 } }

➤ map

This method allow you to map through an object

Note: Inside the map you wouldn't try to modify the initial object.

If you want to do that use the next method.

Syntax :

_Object(yourObject).map((value, key?optional, index?optional) => {/*body*/})

use case :

/*Let's say i want to have a users object where evry user have a password property*/
const newObject = _Object(users).map(user => {
    user.password = null
    return user


➤ forEach

This method allow you to Loop through an Object and have access to his keys, values and index inside the function passed in parameter.

Syntax :

_Object(yourObject).forEach((value, key?optional, index?optional) => {/*body*/})

use case :

/*Let's say i want to add a password property to evry user of my users Object*/
_Object(users).forEach(user => {
    user.password = null


➤ freeze

This method allow you to freeze an object according to the depth level that you want to be frozen

Syntax :


use case :

/*This only going to froze the property that are directly inside the object(not nested)*/

//expected output
//To froze The first Level of depth we have to pass 1 as depth level

//expected output
//To froze the entire Object we need to pass 2 as depth level beacause this is a two depth level object
//after that the object become immutable

➤ extract

This method allow you to extract some properties of an object and group them to create another

object regardless of the level of depth of those properties inside the object until you give a

valid path to them.

It takes an unlimited number of parameters

Syntax :

//a param have to be a key or a path to a key

use case :

// Simple
const extracted = _Object(userInfo).extract("name")

//expected output
{name: "John"}

//## More Complex

/*Let's say we want to create a users object where a user is only represented by his name and his music interest from our users object*/
const newObj = _Object(users).map(
    user => _Object(user).extract("name", "interest.music")

//This reduce our huge user object to this
    0: { 
        name: "John",
        "interest.music": [ "rnb", "rap" ] 
    1: { 
        name: "Jane",
        "interest.music": [ "rnb", "rap" ] 
    2: {
        name: "Moussa",
        "interest.music": [ "rnb", "rap", "trap" ]
/*For Longer path like "0.interest.food.1.usa.2.0.jfr"
the extracted key become very messy we can use .as(new_key_name) at the end of the path to rename the output key let's apply it to our precedent use case
const newObj = _Object(users).map(
    user => _Object(user).extract("name", "interest.music.as(music)")

//This reduce our huge user object to this
    0: { 
        name: "John",
        music: [ "rnb", "rap" ] 
    1: { 
        name: "Jane",
        music: [ "rnb", "rap" ] 
    2: {
        name: "Moussa",
        music: [ "rnb", "rap", "trap" ]

➤ includes

This method allow you to test if an object contain a certain key even if the key is deeply nested

inside the object

It returns an array where the first element is true or false, the second element is the path to the

key or an empty string, depending on whether or not the key was found inside the object

Syntax :

//a param have to be a key

use case :

const result = _Object(users).includes("jfr")

//expected output
[ true, "0.interest.food.1.usa.2.0.jfr" ]

➤ makeNullSafe

This method allow you to make an object nullsafe it means to delete all of his entries that

have null values or nullish values like {} and [] or undefined

Syntax :

//a param have to be a key

use case :

let myObject = {
  "mo": {"john": 8, "jane": 5, "doe": null},
  "tu": {"john": 8, "jane": 5, "doe": null}
  "we": {"john": 5, "jane": 9, "doe": null}
  "th": {"john": 6, "jane": 3, "doe": null}
  "fr": {"john": null, "jane": null, "doe": null}


//expected output
  "mo": {"john": 8, "jane": 5},
  "tu": {"john": 8, "jane": 5}
  "we": {"john": 5, "jane": 9}
  "th": {"john": 6, "jane": 3}

For min, max, sum, and avg methods we are going to use this object to ilustrate our example

let myObject = {
  1: {
    firstName: "Moussa",
    lastName: "Diop",
    age: 23,
    job: "Web Developer",
    salary: 1500
  2: {
    firstName: "Tacko",
    lastName: "Fall",
    age: 21,
    job: "App Developer",
    salary: 1500
  3: {
    firstName: "Lamine",
    lastName: "sarr",
    age: 32,
    job: "Manager",
    salary: 2500
  4: {
    firstName: "Awa",
    lastName: "sarr",
    age: 24,
    job: "IT Engineer",
    salary: 2000

➤ max

This method allow you to get the maximum value based on a key inside the object

This method apply for objects that contains other object of same structure one another

Syntax :

//a param have to be a key

use case :

const maxAge = _Object(myObject).max("age")


//expected output

➤ min

This method allow you to get the minimum value based on a key inside the object

This method apply for objects that contains other object of same structure one another

Syntax :

//a param have to be a key

use case :

const minAge = _Object(myObject).min("age")


//expected output

➤ sum

This method allow you to get the sum of values based on a key inside the object

This method apply for objects that contains other object of same structure one another

Syntax :

//a param have to be a key

use case :

const totalSalary = _Object(myObject).sum("salary")


//expected output

➤ avg

This method allow you to get the average value based on a key inside the object

This method apply for objects that contains other object of same structure one another

Syntax :

//a param have to be a key

use case :

const averageSalary = _Object(myObject).avg("salary")


//expected output

➤ equals

This method allow you to compare to objects by values or by keys.

The default is comparison by values (if you don't pass a second parameter to this method).

You can also compare object by keys to test if they have the same structure

(but this comparison just apply to the first-level keys of these two objects)

Syntax :

_Object(yourObject).equals(ObjectToCompareTo, by="values")

use case :

const myObject1 = {
    1: {
      firstName: "Moussa",
      lastName: "Diop",
      age: 23,
      job: "Web Developer",
      salary: 1500,
      music: ["rap", "rnb", {drill: ["uk", "usa", "sn"]}]
    2: {
      firstName: "Tacko",
      lastName: "Fall",
      age: 21,
      job: "App Developer",
      salary: 1500
const myObject3 = {
    1: {
      firstName: "Moussa",
      lastName: "Diop",
      age: 23,
      job: "Web Developer",
      salary: 1500,
      music: ["rap", "rnb", {drill: ["uk", "usa", "sn"]}]
    2: {
      firstName: "Tacko",
      lastName: "Fall",
      age: 21,
      job: "App Developer",
      salary: 1500
const myObject2 = {
    1: {
      firstName: "Lamine",
      lastName: "sarr",
      age: 32,
      job: "Manager",
      salary: 2500
    2: {
      firstName: "Awa",
      lastName: "sarr",
      age: 24,
      job: "IT Engineer",
      salary: 2000


// expected output


// expected output

Contributing ❤

👋🏾 Pull requests are welcome!

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.


TheCode @mouhamed1296




This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.