Unciv Warhammer


An attempt to create a full mod (rulesets, map, graphics) of Warhammer for unciv. Modmod of Fantasia mixed with previous Civ3/Civ4 Warhammer extensions materials.


  • Old World

  • Warhammer world


Reikland (The Empire)






Sword units

Skeletal Warrior Skeletal Champion Tomb Captain Tomb King
Skeletal Warrior


Tomb Swarms Tomb Scorpion


Skeletal Archer


Tomb Guard Tomb Herald Sepulchral Stalker


Skeletal Spearman Ushabti Sepulchral Stalker


Skeleton Rider Necropolis Knight


Necroserpent Necrosphinx Necrolith Colossus Hierotitan




Carrion Dread Abyssal


Tomb Prince
  • Araby
  • Estalia
  • Tilea
  • Loren
  • Norsca
  • Albion
  • Ulthuan
  • Naggaroth
  • Skaven
    Sword units
Clanrat Stormvermin Skaven Chieftain Warpfire Thrower Warplock Jezzail Ratling Gun Stormfiend


Night Runner Gutter Runner Death Runner


Plague Monk Plague Censer-Bearer


Giant Rat Great Pox Rat Brood Horror Hell-Pit Abomination


Plague-Claw Catapult Screaming Bell Plague Furnace Warp-Lightning Cannon


Doomwheel Doom-Flayer
  • Chaos Dwarfs
  • Ironclaw Orcs
  • Ogre Kingdoms
  • Badmoon Goblins
  • Beastmen
  • Hordes of Chaos
  • Kurgan
  • Ind
  • Cathay
  • Nippon
  • Amazons
  • Slann

City states

  • Marienburg
  • The Moot
    Halfling Scout Halfling Ranger
  • Lahmia
  • Dolgan
  • Zombie Pirates
  • Citadel of Dusk


  • The Old Ones
  • Cult of Sigmar
  • Lady of the Lake
  • Elven Gods
  • Ancestor Gods
  • Gork and Mork
  • Cult of the Horned Rat
  • Chaos Gods


Common tech tree (eras)

Ancient age

  • Rise of Sigmar (Starting Tech) Nations unique techs (Ancient era)
  • Old World (Reikland, Kislev, Tilea, Estalia)
  • Knightly Virtues (Bretonnia)
  • Channeling (Albion, Ulthuan)
  • Dwarven Ingenuity (Dwarfs, Chaos Dwarfs)
  • Forest Mastery (Loren). Allows Loren Magic (with Raw Magic)
  • Norse Tradition (Norsca)
  • Arabyan Tradition (Araby, Ind)
  • Far East (Cathay, Nippon)
  • Undead Curse (Sylvania, Khemri)
  • Underworld (Skaven)
  • Swamp-dwelling (Slann, Amazons)
  • Greenskin
  • Chaos
  • Agriculture. Allows Granary.

  • Hunting. Allows Hunting Lodge.

  • Fishing

  • Mysticism. Allows Waystone, Old Ones Shrine (with Swamp-Dwelling).

  • WAAGH!: free tech for Greenskin.

  • Insatiable Hunger: free tech for Ogre Kingdoms

  • Brewing: requires Agriculture. Allows Tavern, Bugman's Brewery.

  • Calendar: requires Agriculture

  • Crafting: requires Agriculture or Dwarven Ingenuity. Allows Market, Tailor.

  • Animal Husbandry: requires Agriculture, Hunting. Allows Tanner.

  • Herblore (Herbalism): requires Hunting. Allows Herbalist.

  • Archery: requires Hunting. Allows Archery Range.

  • Warrior Code: requires Hunting. Allows Barracks, Training Yard, Destruction Shrine (with WAAGH!), Heroic Epic.

  • Chronicles: requires Mysticism. Allows Elder Council, The Great Book of Grudges (with Dwarven Ingenuity).

  • Contemplation: requires Mysticism. Allows Elven Shrine (with Elven Gods).

  • Ceremonial Burial: requires Mysticism. Allows Graveyard, Immortality Shrine (with Undead Curse).

  • Raw Magic: requires Mysticism. Allows Coven.

  • Astrology: requires Calendar

  • Roads: requires Crafting

  • Masonry: requires Crafting. Allows Walls.

  • Trade: requires Crafting. Allows Inn, The Great Bazaar.

  • Mining: requires Crafting

  • Horseback Riding: requires Animal Husbandry. Allows Stable, Silk Road, Spice Road (with Market and Trade)

  • Tracking: requires Herblore, Animal Husbandry

  • Festivals: requires Chronicles. Allows Circus.

  • Philosophy: requires Contemplation, Chronicles. Allows Spirituality Shrine (with Knightly Virtues)

  • Necromancy: requires Ceremonial Burial, Raw Magic. Allows Black Pyramid.

  • Loren Magic: requires Forest Mastery, Raw Magic. Allows Tower of Eternal Wood.

  • Magic of the Horned Rat: requires Underworld, Raw Magic

  • Mathematics: requires Calendar, Masonry. Allows Siege Workshop.

  • Sailing: requires Fishing, Trade. Allows Harbor, Lighthouse (with Construction), The Great Voyage (with Norse Tradition).

  • Bronze Working: requires Mining. Allows Forge, Dark Forge (with Chaos and Dwarven Ingenuity), The Gates of Zharr.

  • Nature Lore: requires Tracking, Archery

  • Monster Taming: requires Horseback Riding, Tracking

  • Construction: requires Masonry, Bronze Working, Mathematics. Allows City Walls, The Great Bastion.

  • Metal Casting: requires Bronze Working

  • Warfare: requires Warrior Code, Bronze Working. Allows Wheelwright (with Crafting).

  • Elemental Magic: requires Raw Magic, Nature Lore. Allows Palace of the Wizard Calife.

  • Irrigation: requires Construction

  • Sanitation: requires Construction. Allows Aqueduct, Sewer, The Floating Gardens of Lost Xholankha (with Irrigation), The Underways (with Underworld).

  • Alchemy: requires Herblore, Metal Casting. Allows Alchemist's Lab, Philosopher's Stone.

  • Iron Working: requires Metal Casting, Warfare

  • Tyranny: requires Warfare. Allows Dungeon, Gallows, Tarnhelm's Keep.

  • Lordship: requires Warfare. Allows Monument, Castle, Governor's Manor.

  • Stirrups: requires Iron Working, Horseback Riding
  • Currency: requires Trade, Metal Casting, Lordship.
  • Feudalism: requires Lordship or Tyranny

Age of Magic

  • Bloodbowl: requires Trade, Brewing. Allows Bloodbowl Stadium (with Construction), Bloodweiser Stadium.

  • Civil Service: requires Currency. Allows Courthouse, The Spy Network.

  • Mercenary Contracts: requires Currency. Allows Fighters' Guild.

  • Chivalry: requires Feudalism, Stirrups

  • Monster Breeding: requires Monster Taming, Alchemy, Stirrups. Allows Breeding Pit.

  • Smithing: requires Iron Working. Allows Mastersmith, Forge of Vaul.

  • Gromril Smithing: requires Iron Working, Dwarven Ingenuity

  • Priesthood: requires Philosophy, Festivals, Ceremonial Burial. Allows Temple, The Sisters of Shallya (with Old World).

  • Words of Salvation: requires Philosophy, Warrior Code. Allows Salvation Shrine.

  • High Magic: requires Raw Magic, Channeling. Allows White Tower.

  • True Dhar: requires Raw Magic, Chaos. Allows Dark Convenant.

  • Corruption of Chaos: requires Philosophy, Raw Magic. Allows Chaos Shrine (with Chaos).

  • Rune Smithing: requires Ancestor Gods, Gromril Smithing. Allows Runeforge.

  • Master of the Winds: requires Elemental Magic

  • Master of the Earth: requires Elemental Magic

  • Master of Water: requires Elemental Magic

  • Master of Fire: requires Elemental Magic

  • Master of Ice: requires Elemental Magic

Age of Lore

  • Imperial roads: requires Roads, Construction, Civil Service

  • Guilds: requires Civil Service, Feudalism, Currency

  • Knightly Orders: requires Chivalry. Allows The Knights Panther, The Order of the White Wolf, The Order of the Fiery Heart, The Brotherhood of the Bear.

  • Grail Quest: requires Chivalry, Knightly Virtues. Allows Shrine of the Holy Grail.

  • Tournaments: requires Smithing, Chivalry. Allows Joust Arena (with Knightly Virtues).

  • MoTileaticism: requires Priesthood. Allows MoTileatery.

  • Meteoric Iron: requires Smithing

  • Monster Bonding: requires Monster Breeding, Nature Lore

  • Fanaticism: requires Priesthood, Tyranny. Allows Tribunal, Inquisition, The Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes (with Underworld).

  • Literature: requires Priesthood. Allows Library, The Black Library.

  • Winds of Magic: requires Philosophy, Raw Magic, True Dhar, High Magic, Loren Magic

  • Bloodlust of Khorne: requires Chaos, Corruption of Chaos. Allows The Cave of Skulls.

  • Slaanesh's Pleasures: requires Chaos, Corruption of Chaos. Allows The Six Circles of Seduction.

  • Gifts of the Plagued One: requires Chaos, Corruption of Chaos. Allows Grandfathers' Embrace.

  • Lore of Change: requires Chaos, Corruption of Chaos. Allows The Temple of Many Colors (with Priesthood).

  • Lore of Fire: requires Warfare, Winds of Magic. Allows The Bright Order.

  • Lore of Life: requires Nature Lore, Winds of Magic. Allows The Jade College.

  • Lore of Lights: requires Mathematics, Winds of Magic. Allows The Order of Light.

  • Lore of Heavens: requires Astrology, Winds of Magic. Allows The Celestial College

  • Lore of Metals: requires Metal Casting, Winds of Magic. Allows The Golden Order.

  • Lore of Shadows: requires Civil Service, Winds of Magic. Allows The Grey Order.

  • Lore of Beasts: requires Monster Taming, Winds of Magic. Allows The Amber Brotherhood.

  • Lore of Death: requires Ceremonial Burial, Winds of Magic. Allows The Amethyst Order.

  • Chaos Incursion: requires Bloodlust of Khorne, Slaanesh's Pleasures, Gifts of the Plagued One, Lore of Change. Allows Cauldron of Blood.


  • Invention: requires Construction, Iron Working. Allows Bowyer (with Archery Range), Gnomes' Workshop.

  • Military Tradition: requires Tournaments, Festivals. Allows Military Academy, The War Academy.

  • Navigation: requires Sailing, Astrology. Allows Shipyard, Glittering Tower Lighthouse.

  • Education: requires Literature, Mathematics. Allows University (with Library)

  • The End Times: requires Chaos Incursion. Allows Lord of the End Times.

  • Machinery: requires Invention
  • Astronomy: requires Navigation. Allows Observatory
  • Engineering: requires Machinery. Allows High Walls, Citadel.

  • Banking: requires Guilds. Allows Bank.


  • Gunpowder: requires Invention, Alchemy
  • Advanced Engineering: requires Engineering
  • Economics: requires Banking, Education
  • Steel: requires Advanced Engineering, Smithing. Allows Drydock, Great Forge.
  • Cannons: requires Gunpowder. Allows Cannon Forge (with Siege Workshop).
  • Flight: requires Advanced Engineering
  • Steam Power: requires Advanced Engineering
  • Rifling: requires Cannons, Steel

Credits and inspirations