Setting Up Traefik Reverse Proxy with mkcert and Docker Compose

This guide outlines the steps to set up Traefik as a reverse proxy using mkcert for SSL certificate generation and Docker Compose for container orchestration.

Step 1: Install mkcert

For Ubuntu

sudo apt install mkcert libnss3-tools

For macOS (Homebrew)

brew install mkcert

Install the CA certificate:

mkcert -install

Step 2: Clone the Repository

Clone the Traefik reverse proxy repository:

git clone
cd traefik-reverse-proxy

Step 3: Generate SSL Certificates

Generate SSL certificates for your domain (e.g., app.localhost):

mkcert -cert-file certs/cert.pem -key-file certs/key.pem "app.localhost" "*.app.localhost"

Step 4: Run Docker Compose

Start the Traefik reverse proxy and associated containers:

docker compose up -d --build

Step 5: Access the Traefik Dashboard

Access the Traefik dashboard to manage your reverse proxy configuration:

These instructions help you set up a secure reverse proxy with Traefik, ensuring secure communication between your applications and the internet.