
:computer: Interract with Scaleway from command line (Mimics Docker CLI)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

node-scaleway (known as Scaleway CLI)

The official scaleway-cli was rewritten in Golang (here), this project is now a node.js client to access the Scaleway API.

Build Status (Travis) Dependency Status

Interact with Scaleway API from the command line.

Uses moul/node-scaleway SDK.


Usage inspired by Docker CLI

$ scw

  Usage: scw [options] [command]


    attach [options] <server>                    attach (serial console) to a running server
    commit [options] <server> [name]             create a new snapshot from a server's volume
    create [options] <image>                     create a new server but do not start it
    events                                       get real time events from the API
    exec [options] <server> <command> [args...]  run a command in a running server
    history [options] <image>                    show the history of an image
    images [options]                             list images
    info                                         display system-wide information
    inspect [options] <items...>                 return low-level information on a server or image
    kill <server>                                kill a running server
    login [options]                              login to the API
    logout                                       log out from the API
    ps [options]                                 list servers
    restart <server>                             restart a running server
    rm <servers...>                              remove one or more servers
    rmi <image>                                  remove one or more images
    start [options] <server>                     start a stopped server
    stop [options] <servers...>                  stop a running server
    tag <snapshot> <tag-name>                    tag an image into a repository
    version                                      show the version information
    wait <server>                                block until a server stops


    -h, --help            output usage information
    -V, --version         output the version number
    --api-endpoint <url>  set the API endpoint
    --dry-run             do not execute actions
    -D, --debug           enable debug mode


Create a server with Ubuntu Trusty image and 3.2.34 bootscript

$ scw create trusty --bootscript=3.2.34

Create a server with Fedora 21 image

$ scw create 1f164079

Create a server with an empty disc of 20G and rescue bootscript

$ scw create 20G --bootscript=rescue

Run a stopped server

$ scw start 7313af22

Run a stopped server and wait for SSH to be ready

$ scw start --wait myserver
$ scw exec myserver /bin/bash
[root@noname ~]#

Run a stopped server and wait for SSH to be ready (inline version)

$ scw exec $(scw start --wait myserver) /bin/bash
[root@noname ~]#

Create, start and ssh to a new server (inline version)

$ scw exec $(scw start --wait $(scw create ubuntu-trusty)) /bin/bash
[root@noname ~]#


$ scw exec --wait $(scw start $(scw create ubuntu-trusty)) /bin/bash
[root@noname ~]#

Wait for a server to be available, then execute a command

$ scw exec --wait myserver /bin/bash
[root@noname ~]#

Run a command in background

$ scw exec alpine tmux new -d "sleep 10"

Run a stopped server and wait for SSH to be ready with:

  • a timeout of 120 seconds for kernel to start
  • a timeout of 60 seconds for SSH to be ready
  • a global timeout of 150 seconds
$ scw start --wait --boot-timeout=120 --ssh-timeout=60 --timeout=150 myserver
global execution... failed: Operation timed out.

Wait for a server to be in 'stopped' state

$ scw wait 7313af22
[...] some seconds later

Attach to server serial port

$ scw attach 7313af22
Ubuntu Vivid Vervet (development branch) nfs-server ttyS0
my-server login:

Create a server with Fedora 21 image and start it

$ scw start `scw create 1f164079`

Execute a 'ls -la' on a server (via SSH)

$ scw exec myserver -- ls -la
total 40
drwx------.  4 root root 4096 Mar 26 05:56 .
drwxr-xr-x. 18 root root 4096 Mar 26 05:56 ..
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   18 Jun  8  2014 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  176 Jun  8  2014 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  176 Jun  8  2014 .bashrc
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  100 Jun  8  2014 .cshrc
drwxr-----.  3 root root 4096 Mar 16 06:31 .pki
-rw-rw-r--.  1 root root 1240 Mar 12 08:16 .s3cfg.sample
drwx------.  2 root root 4096 Mar 26 05:56 .ssh
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  129 Jun  8  2014 .tcshrc

Run a shell on a server (via SSH)

$ scw exec 5cf8058e /bin/bash
[root@noname ~]#

List public images and my images

$ scw images
REPOSITORY                                 TAG      IMAGE ID   CREATED        VIRTUAL SIZE
user/Alpine_Linux_3_1                      latest   854eef72   10 days ago    50 GB
Debian_Wheezy_7_8                          latest   cd66fa55   2 months ago   20 GB
Ubuntu_Utopic_14_10                        latest   1a702a4e   4 months ago   20 GB

List public images, my images and my snapshots

$ scw images -a
REPOSITORY                                 TAG      IMAGE ID   CREATED        VIRTUAL SIZE
noname-snapshot                            <none>   54df92d1   a minute ago   50 GB
cool-snapshot                              <none>   0dbbc64c   11 hours ago   20 GB
user/Alpine_Linux_3_1                      latest   854eef72   10 days ago    50 GB
Debian_Wheezy_7_8                          latest   cd66fa55   2 months ago   20 GB
Ubuntu_Utopic_14_10                        latest   1a702a4e   4 months ago   20 GB

List running servers

$ scw ps
SERVER ID   IMAGE                       COMMAND   CREATED          STATUS    PORTS   NAME
7313af22    user/Alpine_Linux_3_1                 13 minutes ago   running           noname
32070fa4    Ubuntu_Utopic_14_10                   36 minutes ago   running           labs-8fe556

List all servers

$ scw ps -a
SERVER ID   IMAGE                       COMMAND   CREATED          STATUS    PORTS   NAME
7313af22    user/Alpine_Linux_3_1                 13 minutes ago   running           noname
32070fa4    Ubuntu_Utopic_14_10                   36 minutes ago   running           labs-8fe556
7fc76a15    Ubuntu_Utopic_14_10                   11 hours ago     stopped           backup

Stop a running server

$ scw stop 5cf8058e

Stop multiple running servers

$ scw stop myserver myotherserver

Terminate a running server

$ scw stop -t myserver

Stop all running servers matching 'mysql'

$ scw stop $(scw ps | grep mysql | awk '{print $1}')

Create a snapshot of the root volume of a server

$ scw commit 5cf8058e

Delete a stopped server

$ scw rm 5cf8

Delete multiple stopped servers

$ scw rm myserver myotherserver

Delete all stopped servers matching 'mysql'

$ scw rm $(scw ps -a | grep mysql | awk '{print $1}')

Create a snapshot of nbd1

$ scw commit 5cf8058e -v 1

Create an image based on a snapshot

$ scw tag 87f4526b my_image

Delete an image

$ scw rmi 46689419

Send a 'halt' command via SSH

$ scw kill 5cf8058e

Inspect a server

$ scw inspect 90074de6
    "server": {
    "dynamic_ip_required": true,
    "name": "My server",
    "modification_date": "2015-03-26T09:01:07.691774+00:00",
    "tags": [
    "state_detail": "booted",
    "public_ip": {
      "dynamic": true,
      "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "address": "212.47.xxx.yyy"
    "state": "running",

Show public ip address of a server

$ scw inspect 90074de6 -f '.server.public_ip.address'

Advanced commands

We added some non-docker inspired commands (hidden in the usage)



$ scw _patch item field1=value1 field2=value2


$ scw _patch myserver state_detail=booted
- state_detail: booting kernel => booted


For more examples, see ./examples/ directory

# create a server with a nbd1 volume of 50G and rescue bootscript
$ SERVER=$(scw create trusty --bootscript=rescue --volume=50000000000 --wait)
# print the ip address of the server
$ echo "Your server is ready and is available at: $(scw inspect ${SERVER} -f .server.public_ip.address)"


scaleway-cli uses the debug package.

To enable debug you can use the environment variable DEBUG= as :

  • DEBUG='*' scw ... to see debug for scaleway-cli and all dependencies
  • DEBUG='scaleway-cli:*' scw ... to see debug for scaleway-cli
  • DEBUG='node-scaleway:*' scw ... to see debug for node-scaleway
$ DEBUG='*' scw images
  node-scaleway:lib GET https://api.cloud.online.net/images? +0ms { method: 'GET',
  url: 'https://api.cloud.online.net/images?',
   { Accept: 'application/json',
     'User-Agent': 'node-scaleway',
     'X-Auth-Token': 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' },
  resolveWithFullResponse: true,
  json: true }
REPOSITORY                                 TAG      IMAGE ID   CREATED        VIRTUAL SIZE
Fedora_21_Twenty-one                       latest   1f164079   10 days ago    50 GB
user/Archlinux_latest                      latest   1197ca91   10 days ago    50 GB
scaleway-cli:utils saveEntities: removed 15 items +0ms
scaleway-cli:utils saveEntities: inserted 15 items +4ms


  1. Install Node.js and npm (https://nodejs.org/download/)
  2. Install scaleway-cli: $ npm install -g scaleway-cli
  3. Setup token and organization: $ scw login --token=XXXXX --organization=YYYYY
  4. Profit... $ scw ps -a
