
⚡💊 advanced filtering for uber's zap logger

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


⚡💊 advanced filtering for uber's zap logger

go.dev reference License GitHub release Made by Manfred Touron

Go Release PR GolangCI codecov Go Report Card CodeFactor


import "moul.io/zapfilter"

func ExampleParseRules() {
	core := zap.NewExample().Core()
	// *=myns             => any level, myns namespace
    // info,warn:myns.*   => info or warn level, any namespace matching myns.*
	// error=*            => everything with error level
	logger := zap.New(zapfilter.NewFilteringCore(core, zapfilter.MustParseRules("*:myns info,warn:myns.* error:*")))
	defer logger.Sync()

	logger.Debug("top debug")                                 // no match
	logger.Named("myns").Debug("myns debug")                  // matches *:myns
	logger.Named("bar").Debug("bar debug")                    // no match
	logger.Named("myns").Named("foo").Debug("myns.foo debug") // no match

	logger.Info("top info")                                 // no match
	logger.Named("myns").Info("myns info")                  // matches *:myns
	logger.Named("bar").Info("bar info")                    // no match
	logger.Named("myns").Named("foo").Info("myns.foo info") // matches info,warn:myns.*

	logger.Warn("top warn")                                 // no match
	logger.Named("myns").Warn("myns warn")                  // matches *:myns
	logger.Named("bar").Warn("bar warn")                    // no match
	logger.Named("myns").Named("foo").Warn("myns.foo warn") // matches info,warn:myns.*

	logger.Error("top error")                                 // matches error:*
	logger.Named("myns").Error("myns error")                  // matches *:myns and error:*
	logger.Named("bar").Error("bar error")                    // matches error:*
	logger.Named("myns").Named("foo").Error("myns.foo error") // matches error:*

	// Output:
	// {"level":"debug","logger":"myns","msg":"myns debug"}
	// {"level":"info","logger":"myns","msg":"myns info"}
	// {"level":"info","logger":"myns.foo","msg":"myns.foo info"}
	// {"level":"warn","logger":"myns","msg":"myns warn"}
	// {"level":"warn","logger":"myns.foo","msg":"myns.foo warn"}
	// {"level":"error","msg":"top error"}
	// {"level":"error","logger":"myns","msg":"myns error"}
	// {"level":"error","logger":"bar","msg":"bar error"}
	// {"level":"error","logger":"myns.foo","msg":"myns.foo error"}

func CheckAnyLevel(logger *zap.Logger) bool
    CheckAnyLevel determines whether at least one log level isn't filtered-out
    by the logger.

func CheckLevel(logger *zap.Logger, level zapcore.Level) bool
    CheckLevel determines whether a specific log level would produce log or not.

func NewFilteringCore(next zapcore.Core, filter FilterFunc) zapcore.Core
    NewFilteringCore returns a core middleware that uses the given filter
    function to determine whether to actually call Write on the next core in the


type FilterFunc func(zapcore.Entry, []zapcore.Field) bool
    FilterFunc is used to check whether to filter the given entry and filters

func All(filters ...FilterFunc) FilterFunc
    All checks if all filters return true.

func Any(filters ...FilterFunc) FilterFunc
    Any checks if any filter returns true.

func ByLevels(pattern string) (FilterFunc, error)
    ByLevels creates a FilterFunc based on a pattern.

    Level Patterns

        | Pattern | Debug | Info | Warn | Error | DPanic | Panic | Fatal |
        | ------- | ----- | ---- | ---- | ----- | ------ | ----- | ----- |
        | <empty> | X     | X    | X    | X     | X      | X     | X     |
        | *       | X     | X    | X    | X     | x      | X     | X     |
        | debug   | X     |      |      |       |        |       |       |
        | info    |       | X    |      |       |        |       |       |
        | warn    |       |      | X    |       |        |       |       |
        | error   |       |      |      | X     |        |       |       |
        | dpanic  |       |      |      |       | X      |       |       |
        | panic   |       |      |      |       |        | X     |       |
        | fatal   |       |      |      |       |        |       | X     |
        | debug+  | X     | X    | x    | X     | X      | X     | X     |
        | info+   |       | X    | X    | X     | X      | X     | X     |
        | warn+   |       |      | X    | X     | X      | X     | X     |
        | error+  |       |      |      | X     | X      | X     | X     |
        | dpanic+ |       |      |      |       | X      | X     | X     |
        | panic+  |       |      |      |       |        | X     | X     |
        | fatal+  |       |      |      |       |        |       | X     |

func ByNamespaces(input string) FilterFunc
    ByNamespaces takes a list of patterns to filter out logs based on their
    namespaces. Patterns are checked using path.Match.

func ExactLevel(level zapcore.Level) FilterFunc
    ExactLevel filters out entries with an invalid level.

func MinimumLevel(level zapcore.Level) FilterFunc
    MinimumLevel filters out entries with a too low level.

func MustParseRules(pattern string) FilterFunc
    MustParseRules calls ParseRules and panics if initialization failed.

func ParseRules(pattern string) (FilterFunc, error)
    ParseRules takes a CLI-friendly set of rules to construct a filter.


        pattern: RULE [RULE...]
        RULE: one of:
         - NAMESPACES
        LEVEL: see `Level Patterns`
        NAMESPACE: one of:
         - namespace     // should be exactly this namespace
         - *mat*ch*      // should match
         - -NAMESPACE    // should not match


        *                            everything
        *:*                          everything
        info:*                       level info;  any namespace
        info+:*                      levels info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, and fatal; any namespace
        info,warn:*                  levels info, warn; any namespace
        ns1                          any level; namespace 'ns1'
        *:ns1                        any level; namespace 'ns1'
        ns1*                         any level; namespaces matching 'ns1*'
        *:ns1*                       any level; namespaces matching 'ns1*'
        *:ns1,ns2                    any level; namespaces 'ns1' and 'ns2'
        *:ns*,-ns3*                  any level; namespaces matching 'ns*' but not matching 'ns3*'
        info:ns1                     level info; namespace 'ns1'
        info,warn:ns1,ns2            levels info and warn; namespaces 'ns1' and 'ns2'
        info:ns1 warn:n2             level info + namespace 'ns1' OR level warn and namespace 'ns2'
        info,warn:myns* error+:*     levels info or warn and namespaces matching 'myns*' OR levels error, dpanic, panic or fatal for any namespace

func Reverse(filter FilterFunc) FilterFunc
    Reverse checks is the passed filter returns false.

More examples on https://pkg.go.dev/moul.io/zapfilter


Using go

$ go get -u moul.io/zapfilter


See https://github.com/moul/zapfilter/releases


Contribute <3

I really welcome contributions. Your input is the most precious material. I'm well aware of that and I thank you in advance. Everyone is encouraged to look at what they can do on their own scale; no effort is too small.

Everything on contribution is sum up here: CONTRIBUTING.md

Contributors ✨

All Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Manfred Touron

🚧 📖 ⚠️ 💻



This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


© 2020 Manfred Touron

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE) or the MIT license (LICENSE-MIT), at your option. See the COPYRIGHT file for more details.

SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)