Tasks done as a Data Science and Business Analytics Intern at the Sparks Foundation

This repository contains Python scripts demonstrating three machine learning tasks using the famous Iris dataset:

  1. Linear Regression: Predicting the percentage of a student based on the number of study hours.
  2. KMeans Clustering: Predicting the optimum number of clusters and visualizing them using KMeans clustering.
  3. Decision Tree Classifier: Creating a decision tree classifier and visualizing it graphically.


  • Python 3.x
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • matplotlib

File Descriptions

  • iris.csv: CSV file containing the Iris dataset.
  • Task1.py: Python script for linear regression task.
  • Task2.py: Python script for KMeans clustering task.
  • Task6.py: Python script for decision tree classifier task.