ZopSmart Assignment - A School Student Database

This repository contains the assignment submission for the ZopSmart hiring drive in JUIT, Solan. It contians the implementation of a simple CRUD API, using the GoFR library.


  • Must have GoLang Compiler/ToolChain installed

How was the project made?

  • Created a github repository and cloned it to local system.
  • Initialized the "Go Module" using go mod init github.com/moulikchaturvedi/zopsmart-assignment. This simplifies the remote downloading of packages.
  • Created the file main.go, with basic configuration (including GoFR).
  • For necessary libraries, go mod tidy.
  • docker run --name gofr-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -p 2001:3306 -d mysql/mysql-server to start the mysql docker server.
  • Create a database and table on the docker server. myysql -u root -p password CREATE DATABASE Students; and CREATE TABLE students (id int auto_increment, name varchar(255), class varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (id));. Created Dummy Data, INSERT INTO students (name, class) VALUES ("moulik","fourth");.
  • Learned about Handlers and how they work in Go and GoFR.
  • Explored GoFR documentations, which helped a lot in making of this project.
  • CRUD operations were added.
  • Unit Testing file is under development.
  • Postman Collection has been attached in the respective directory.

To run

  • To run can use the command go run main.go.
  • We can also the command go build which will compile the code in an executable program. Then we can run the executable file.