This project is meant to showcase how you can easily build and deploy a small flask application with mongo db.
It is currently composed of the following tree:
├── Dockerfile # contains steps to build the flask api docker image
├── babynames-clean.csv
├── deployment # Contains yaml files used for deployments on kubernetes
│ ├── api.yaml # Flask API deployment
│ ├── mongodb.yaml # Mongo DB Deployment
│ ├── pv.yaml # kubernetes volumes used for data persistence
│ └── secrets.yaml # api keys for the different apis
├── docs # docs and screenshots for the documentation
├── requirements.txt
├── src # core code of our Flask API
│ ├──
│ └──
└── templates # templates for rendering the flask api response
└── index.html
The overall idea is to build a Flask API that triggers external apis and exchanges data with Mongo DB. To accomplish that we perform the following:
- Build a Flask API that triggers external API and generates information related to a random person
- Save the record into a Mongo DB instance
- Read records from Mongo DB on a request from the Flask API
The Flask API and Mongo DB are dockerized and deployed on a local kubernetes cluster, and a kubernetes volume is created in order to persist data saved into Mongo DB.
In order to run this I'm assuming you already installed:
docker desktop on your local machine and enabled the kubernetes feature as show by the following screenshot
kubectl command
This is the client control command that we will use to communicate with the kubernetes cluster, here is the link to install it.
create <mongo> namespace and kubernetes volumes
kubectl create namespace mongo
kubectl apply -f deployment/pv.yaml
create the mongodb instance in the <mongo> namespace
kubectl apply -f deployment/mongodb.yaml
You should see th following resources up under mongo namespace using
kubectl get all -n mongo
create secrets to access the face recognition api
kubectl apply -f deployment/secrets.yaml
if you don't already have faceplusplus keys, create an account and use the new keys to create secrets
build the docker image for our api in the current context
docker build -t api .
Before deploying the flask api, make sure you get the mongodb-service cluster-ip and add it to the deployment/api.yaml file under MONGO_CLIENT variable name
kubectl apply -f deployment/api.yaml
You should now see the api up and running
Head to a browser/postman and enter
to get the list of persons/a specific person's details stored in the database, or alternatively,localhost:5000/generate
to randomly generate and store a person's detail in the mongodb instance