
Primary LanguageSolidity


Local Development

The following assumes the use of node@>=10.

Install Dependencies


Compile Contracts

yarn compile / yarn c

Run Tests

yarn test / yarn t

or to skip contract recompiling: yarn quicktest / yarn qt

Contract Deployment Order

  1. yYFL
  2. LinkswapPriceOracle
  3. LinkswapFactory
  4. LinkswapRouter
  5. PairNamer
  6. YFLPurchaser

Contract Summaries


  • Governance and staking contract.
  • YFL can be staked to participate in voting or make proposals (arbitrary code execution).
  • Anyone can execute a successful proposal.
  • Any tokens sent to this contract can be converted to YFL using convertTokensToYfl (anyone can call this function). All YFL is distributed proportionally to YFL stakers.


  • Provides USD pricing for ETH, LINK, and YFL.
  • Provides token amounts for ETH or LINK, given a USD amount.
  • Based on Uniswap's ExampleOracleSimple.
  • Used by LinkswapFactory for listing fee calculation and minimum listing lockup amount calculation.
  • Can be swapped out via a governance proposal later if necessary.


  • Handles the creation of new pairs, and stores variables that apply to new and existing pairs.
  • All variables can be changed via a governance proposal.


  • Contract created via LinkswapFactory for each pair.
  • Based on UniswapV2Pair, with added functionality of timelocking liquidity and a circuit-breaker that prevents slippage of prices beyond a certain percent in either direction in a certain timeframe.
  • Fees are customizable per-pair via a governance proposal.


  • Contract based on UniswapV2Router and used for convenience by front-end.
  • Has been modified to account for dynamic fees (set in LinkswapPair).
  • New function is createPairUsingETH.


  • Contract that handles the conversion of non-YFL tokens to YFL, and then sends all tokens back to the yYFL governance contract.