- 3
- 4
Retrieval of 36-10-0608-01
#107 opened by PhilSmith26 - 0
Options for better cube metadata
#121 opened by mountainMath - 3
caching issue with large vector download
#66 opened by t-hind - 6
Got timeout from StatCan, giving up
#77 opened by colemanrob - 1
Duplicate case-insensitive column names
#104 opened by mountainMath - 2
Provide access to PUMF files via package
#117 opened by hswerdfe - 4
- 1
Parsing problem for 98-10-0450
#114 opened by mountainMath - 1
- 5
Table 36-10-0434-03 retrieval error
#109 opened by MaiaPelletier - 1
- 5
Issue with get_cansim_sqlite() giving an error message when collecting_and_normalizing()
#110 opened by chrisferris3 - 1
- 1
- 1
Support new semi-wide format cansim tables
#106 opened by mountainMath - 5
- 2
- 1
Add future release schedule call
#96 opened by mountainMath - 1
Problem with list_cansim_tables
#98 opened by mountainMath - 2
Update behaviour for sqlite tables
#92 opened by mountainMath - 16
Vignettes not compiling on CRAN
#73 opened by boshek - 6
- 5
Timeout in get_cansim_vector
#81 opened by mountainMath - 2
- 3
Large data zip file limit
#90 opened by mountainMath - 4
geographies and profiles API from Statscan
#89 opened by hswerdfe - 1
Moving on from Travis CI to an alternative CI
#83 opened by dshkol - 1
Deprecated `as.tibble()`
#76 opened by dshkol - 2
- 7
get_cansim_changed_tables inaccurate documentation
#80 opened by VQTsa - 2
Census Profile Issue
#78 opened by reisner - 2
Recent month data is not coming
#71 opened by biswask - 5
Can't download any of the Employment Insurance (EI) data from statistics Canada website
#69 opened by biswask - 17
get_cansim_vector has stopped working
#67 opened by t-hind - 5
- 2
Changed NDM API and GeoUIDs
#60 opened by mountainMath - 2
categories as factors
#62 opened by mountainMath - 8
Hierarchies are broken
#63 opened by mountainMath - 8
Can't download "Table: 14-10-0328-01"
#61 opened by biswask - 3
- 1
incomplete series
#59 opened by MonkmanMH - 1
- 1
You are awesome!
#57 opened by markvanderloo - 1
Unable to install the package
#56 opened by PrahladaVaradan - 4
- 1
Curl Error
#51 opened by PrahladaVaradan - 2
- 1
`R CMD check` is timing out
#46 opened by mountainMath - 8