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Vets Who Code Web App

The Vets Who Code Web App is a Next.JS Application designed for developer productivity as well as a well thought out app to ease the learning curve of of veterans learning to contribute to open source. By doing this we can teach our veterans with practical use cases, all the while making a professional product that is fast and serverless.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You will need the following properly installed on your computer.


– In a terminal window run these commands.

$ git clone
$ cd vets-who-code-app
$ nvm install
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

You should be able to view the website locally at http://localhost:3000/.

Running the Blog

All Content from Contentful is is mocked locally. If you need api keys please reach out in the #product channel in slack.

Add necessary api keys to your new .env file.


In a terminal window run these commands.

$ cd vets-who-code-app
$ npm run test

In a terminal window run these commands to run the jest test suite in watch mode.

$ cd vets-who-code-app
$ npm run test:watch

In a terminal window run these commands to view the jest coverage report.

$ cd vets-who-code-app
$ npm run test:coverage
$ npm run view:coverage

In a terminal window run these commands if you need to update a snapshot.

$ cd vets-who-code-app
$ npm run test -- --updateSnapshot


Please read contributing for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting issues and/or pull requests.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - please see license for more details.


Please checkout our roadmap for details of upcoming features.