
My init.vim configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script

NEOVIM config

I've use this config smoothly for Go, Ruby, Rust, Bash and Python


go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest


npm i -g bash-language-server


pip install pynvim flake8

when using pyright

npm i -g pyright


gem install neovim



brew install --HEAD universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags

cargo install rusty-tags

rustup component add rust-src

// Add this to your ~/.*sh file
export RUST_SRC_PATH=$(rustc --print sysroot)/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/

// And source it

Create ~/.rusty-tags/config.toml

And add:

# the file name used for vi tags
vi_tags = ".rstags"

# the file name used for emacs tags
emacs_tags = "rusty-tags.emacs"

# the name or path to the ctags executable, by default executables with names
# are searched in the following order: "ctags", "exuberant-ctags", "exctags", "universal-ctags", "uctags"
ctags_exe = ""

# options given to the ctags executable
ctags_options = ""

NOTE: remember to add */.*tags to your .gitignore

TreeSitter this

I've set this one mainly to provide nice highlighting

Once installed, remember to add support for the languages you need.

for example:

:TSInstall go