
Error running rascaf in TORQUE

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I need to run all my jobs in a scheduler, however when I try to run rascaf-join it gives me the following error:

Found raw assembly file: /panfs/panfs.cluster/scratch/ch1005/genomes/D_maidis_final.contigs.fa
Failed to resolve the path of file PBS_QUEUE=batch.

I don't know why it is trying to resolve the path of the scheduler queue.

Please can you help me with that?

Can you show me the line start with “command line” in rascaf.out file?

I think I've figured out the reason and updated the code. Could you please update rascaf and run it? You only need to run rascaf-join since the other parts are not changed.

Hello, sorry for not answering earlier.

I updated it and ran it again but I get the same error

Found raw assembly file: /panfs/panfs.cluster/scratch/ch1005/genomes/D_maidis_final.contigs.fa Failed to resolve the path of file PBS_QUEUE=batch.

This is the command that I am using

${RASCAF_DIR}/rascaf-join -r rascaf_Dama.out -o rascaf_Dama_scaffold

Oh, I did not notice the "git push" was failed last time. It should be OK now. Can you give to another try? Sorry for the trouble.

It is not any trouble. Now it is working. Thank you for all your help.