
Full write ups on how to speed run OpenZeppelin's Ethernaut CTF levels using only foundry

Primary LanguageSolidity

Speedrun Ethernaut With Foundry 🔥⚒️

OpenZeppelin's wargame, Ethernaut teaches practical smart contract security concepts through CTF like challenges.

This repo contains walkthroughs and solutions to each level using only Foundry.

Foundry's toolchain consists of :

  • Forge a cli tool for testing, building, and deploying smart contracts

  • Cast a swiss army knife for interacting with Ethereum RPC nodes

Walkthrough is hosted here

How To Use This Repo

Config & Setup

This project uses environment variables to handle all config variables:

  • ETH_RPC_URL this is automatically checked by forge and cast
  • PRIVATE_KEY this has to be manually included when using forge or cast
  • LEVEL_ADDRESS instance address

Environment variables can be set in the terminal as follows

export PRIVATE_KEY=<your-private-key-here> 
export ETH_RPC_URL=<your-rinkerby-node-url-here>
export LEVEL_ADDRESS=<your-instance-address-here>

Note: Foundry offers multiple ways to store your private key for signing, the method proposed above is not secure and should only be used with a temporary wallet for the purpose of this walkthrough.

Foundry offers support for raw private keys, keystore private keys, and hardware wallets. Read more about how to implement each one here

Level Solution Navigation

Level Name link leads to solution write up.

Level Name Concepts Explored Difficulty
Fallback Fallback & receive functions 1/10
Fallout Misnaming functions 2/10
Coin Flip Predicting onchain randomness 3/10
Telephone Msg.sender vs tx.origin 1/10
Token Overflow and underflows attacks 3/10
Delegation DelegateCall 4/10
Force SelfDestruct function 5/10
Vault Inspecting contract storage slots 3/10
King Spoofing contract that expects EOA 6/10
Re-entrancy Re-entrancy attacks 6/10
Elevator Malicious interfaces 4/10
Privacy Layout of state variables in storage 8/10
Gatekeeper One Bytemasking and gasLeft function 5/10
Gatekeeper Two Calling from code from constructor 6/10
Naught Coin Inheritance and transferFrom function 5/10
Preservation DelegateCall 8/10
Recovery Contract address creation 6/10
Magic Number Contract init and runtime opcodes 6/10
Alien Codex Writing to any storage slot using overflows 7/10
Denial Ddos gas draining attack 5/10
Shop Malicious view function interfaces 4/10
Dex Manipulating oracle-less price data 3/10
Dex Two Creating a malicious ERC20 token 4/10
Puzzle Wallet Proxy design patterns 7/10
Motorbike Upgradable pattern and EIP-1967 6/10
DoubleEntryPoint Fortra contracts 4/10


All contributions are welcome, if you find any mistakes or have a better implementation feel free to create a pull request.

Levels without writeups :

  • 24 Puzzle Wallet
  • 25 Moterbike
  • 26 Double Entry Point