/*code is far away from bug with the animal protecting
*  ┏┓   ┏┓
*┃       ┃  
*┃   ━   ┃
*┃ ┳┛ ┗┳ ┃
*┃       ┃
*┃   ┻   ┃
*┃       ┃
*┗━┓   ┏━┛
*  ┃   ┃神兽保佑
*  ┃   ┃代码无BUG!
*  ┃   ┗━━━┓
*  ┃       ┣┓
*  ┃       ┏┛
*  ┗┓┓┏━┳┓┏┛
*   ┃┫┫ ┃┫┫
*   ┗┻┛ ┗┻┛ 

*                            _ooOoo_  
*                           o8888888o  
*                           88" . "88  
*                           (| -_- |)  
*                            O\ = /O  
*                        ____/`---'\____  
*                      .   ' \\| |// `.  
*                       / \\||| : |||// \  
*                     / _||||| -:- |||||- \  
*                       | | \\\ - /// | |  
*                     | \_| ''\---/'' | |  
*                      \ .-\__ `-` ___/-. /  
*                   ___`. .' /--.--\ `. . __  
*                ."" '< `.___\_<|>_/___.' >'"".  
*               | | : `- \`.;`\ _ /`;.`/ - ` : | |  
*                 \ \ `-. \_ __\ /__ _/ .-` / /  
*         ======`-.____`-.___\_____/___.-`____.-'======  
*                            `=---='  
*         .............................................  
*                  佛祖保佑             永无BUG 
*          佛曰:  
*                  写字楼里写字间,写字间里程序员;  
*                  程序人员写程序,又拿程序换酒钱。  
*                  酒醒只在网上坐,酒醉还来网下眠;  
*                  酒醉酒醒日复日,网上网下年复年。  
*                  但愿老死电脑间,不愿鞠躬老板前;  
*                  奔驰宝马贵者趣,公交自行程序员。  
*                  别人笑我忒疯癫,我笑自己命太贱;  
*                  不见满街漂亮妹,哪个归得程序员?  

 * You may think you know what the following code does. 
 * But you dont. Trust me. 
 * Fiddle with it, and youll spend many a sleepless 
 * night cursing the moment you thought youd be clever 
 * enough to "optimize" the code below. 
 * Now close this file and go play with something else. 
 * 你可能相信你能看懂以下代码,但是其实绝对不可能,相信我。一旦你调试了,你绝对会后悔装聪明去尝试优化这段代码。最好的方式是关闭文件,去玩点儿你喜欢的东西吧。





