
Ecommerce application where user can select the product categories they are interested in during the onboarding process to easily checkout the interested product from home screen. Design and concept used in the mobile application is from ZTM UI/UX course.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Habitual E-commerce App


A side project inspired from ZTM UI/UX course which I'm building to implement my learnings.

Figma Designs: View


  • Onboarding
  • User registration with smooth onboarding process where we ask user to tell the products they are interested in.
  • Home screen which show product listing divided in 3 categories:
    Category Description Max
    Feature Products Horizontal list of products which is marked as featured in system. 10
    Hot Deals Horizontal list of products which show 10
    Interest Products A tab slide carousel where we show all categories which is selected as interest by user with max 3 products inside each category. Number of Cateogry * 3
  • Product Detail screen which can include maximum 4 slide or single slide.
  • Cart Modal for managing user cart.
  • Profile screen from where user can update the saved info taken during onboarding process or can create it.
  • Search screen to search product across the platform which check keyword in description, title of product system and return the matches.

Download apk: Habitual E-commerce

Download IOS build image: Habitual E-commerce IOS (Only IOS Simulators)

How to install IOS build image?

  • Open simulator
  • Drag and drop the downloaded fille in simulator.

Project Info

Using husky for mainitaing code formatting and eslint rules check before commiting any code in git.

Core Package Status

Core package versions info.

Node Version : 16.13.0

Package Version Info
react-native 0.72.4 Migration to latest architecture pending.
react 18.2.0
react-native-reanimated ^3.4.2
@gorhom/bottom-sheet ^4.4.7
react-navigation 6.0.+

Upload Checklist

App Upload Checklist


If you find any issues or have any suggestions. Feel free to open a ticket.