
Simple wrapper around Guzzle Http Client to interact with Mailchimp API v3.0

Primary LanguagePHP

Mailchimp API php client

Simple wrapper around Guzzle Http Client to interact with Mailchimp API v3.0


The Mailchimp API php client can be installed with Composer:

composer require classy-org/mailchimp-api-php-client

Be sure you included composer autoloader in your app:

require_once '/path/to/your/project/vendor/autoload.php';


// Instantiate the client
$client = new \Classy\MailchimpClient('dc834647d7f8a38c86b25dd4fdeff6f7-us2'); // use your mailchimp API key here

// Fetches your mailchimp lists
$httpResponse = $client->get('lists');
$lists = json_decode($httpResponse->getBody()->getContents());

// Or shorter:
$lists = $client->getData('lists');

// Or if you want an array rather than stdClass
$lists = $client->getData('lists', true);

Exception handling

This client is using Guzzle Http client. Exceptions are thrown when the Http response is not a 200 (OK) one:

try {
    $response = $client->get('lists/e87ab1c34');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    if ($e instanceof \GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException) {
        // there was a networking error

    if ($e instanceof \GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException) {
        // Mailchimp API returned a 4xx response.
        $httpStatusCode = $e->getCode();
        if ($httpStatusCode == 404) {
            // resource doesn't exist
        if ($httpStatusCode == 401) {
            // you're unauthorized (api key must be invalid)
        if ($httpStatusCode == 403) {
            // you're not allowed to request this endpoint
        if ($httpStatusCode == 400) {
            // body payload is invalid
        if (...) {

        $bodyResponse = $e->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents();

    if ($e instanceof \GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException) {
        // Mailchimp returned a 5xx response, which means they experience technical difficulties.