
Primary LanguageJavaScript


a sample function as a service app using OpenFaas


  1. faas-cli
  2. kubernetes
  3. docker
  4. helm

getting started

Follow this guide to deploy open-faas to minikube https://medium.com/devopslinks/getting-started-with-openfaas-on-minikube-634502c7acdf

With sample faas-node

  1. Set the target docker daemon to minikube eval $(minikube docker-eval)
  2. Build the function image faas-cli build -f faas-node.yml
  3. Set the gateway up export FAAS_GW=$(minikube service --url -n openfaas gateway-external)
  4. Deploy the function faas-cli deploy -f faas-node.yml --gateway $FAAS_GW
  5. Invoke the function faas-cli invoke faas-node --gateway $FAAS_GW