
AbstractData is a C# library and scripting language built to move data from one place to another.

Primary LanguageC#

Build status


AbstractData is a C# library and scripting language built to move data from one place to another.

Project Status: Under Development - scripts and console are working. Basic string data is the only data type attempted.

What sort of data formats are compatible?

Currently the only thing in testing is text only. Some data adaption has been implemented but it is far from complete.

  • SQL Server Databases
  • Excel Files
  • CSV Files
  • SQLite Databases
  • Google Sheets
  • Access Databases
  • PostgreSql Databases
  • MariaDB/MySQL Databases
  • TODO: Windows File Permissions (read only)
  • TODO: Oracle Databases
  • TODO: VoltDB Databases
  • TODO: MongoDB Datablases ?
  • TODO: Firebase ?
  • TODO: JSON Files ?

Build with Visual Studio

This solution has been built for Visual Studio Community 2017 and can be edited and built in that environment.

Build without Visual Studio

Without visual studio, download nuget bianaries from nuget.org and add nuget to your PATH. Then dowload Visual Studio 2017 Build Tools. After it has been installed, then run the build.cmd file.

Library Usage

Currently unusable. As things come together there will be a way to include the library in projects from source and also from NuGet.

CLI Installation

Same answer as above. When things are working there will be a way to run scripts from the command line and an installer to add the CLI to the path.

CLI Usage

Below is an example of how to use the interpreter

>> #This is a comment. Lines that start with '#' will be ignored.
>> # Database references define the files that will be used later
>> SQLiteDB sqlite1 = "C:\--path to database--"
>> ExcelFile excel1 = "C:\--path to excel file--"
>> CSVFile csv1 = "C:\--path to csv file--"
>> # Table references tell where the data will move to. In this data moves from Sheet1 in the excel file to the CSV file.
>> tableReference(excel1>Sheet1 => csv1)
>> # Data references tells which columns or fields to move where. In this case letter columns to ordinal columns in the csv file
>> A => 0
>> B => 1
>> C => 2
>> D => 3
>> # The move command executes the references and moves the data
>> move()
>> tableReference(excel1>Sheet1 => sqlite1>Table1)
>> A => Field1
>> B => Field2
>> C => Field3
>> D => Field4
>> move()
>> # exit will close the interpreter
>> exit