
A Ghidra script to export data to a x64dbg database

Primary LanguagePython


A Ghidra script to export information to a x64dbg database.

Screenshot x64dbg


  • Exports functions, function names (as labels), and function prototypes (as comments)
  • Exports labels for global variables
  • Exports bookmarks
  • Exports some (see Limitations) decompiled C statements (as comments)


Copy ExportToX64dbg.py to your Ghidra scripts directory (the Script Manager has a button to show you all directories where Ghidra is looking for scripts).

If the script is not shown in the Script Manager, try the 'Refresh Script List` button.


  • Run the script
  • Select a filename for the database (matching suffix will be appended automatically)
  • In x64dbg: Import the database (File -> Import database)


  • Not the full decompiled source code gets exported as comments

At the moment the source code export is limited to elements that appear as ClangStatement in the ClangTokenGroup returned by getCCodeMarkup(). This works fine for most variable assignments and function calls, but excludes most control flow altering constructs (like if, for or while).

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