Web Frontend for Bikeable.ch
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Let's make our cities bikeable!
Bikeable.ch is a community-driven collection of good and bad spots for bicycle riders, and a place to discuss and find solutions.
This repository is the web frontend, written in JavaScript using the Vue.js framework.
Feel free to report issues or contribute and make pull requests.
We have not yet made our backend code public. Please contact us if you'd like to get access to the repository and/or the API documentation. We are also open to other uses of our API, let us know what you plan to do with our data.
If you want to work on the frontend without running your own backend, you can use the production backend by setting VUE_APP_BACKEND_URL=https://backend.bikeable.ch
in a .env
yarn install
yarn run serve
If you get aan error like this: "digital envelope routines unsupported" use following option:
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
yarn run build