
A tool to build and deploy services using docker and argo.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


deploy1 (pronounced /dɛplɔɪ'jɔːnɛ/) is a tool to build and deploy docker images, with strong opinions on image tags.


  • go 1.19 or newer
  • docker
  • argocd 1.4

Make sure that your GOPATH is set correctly, and that $GOPATH/bin is included in your PATH. You can add this to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

export GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)
export PATH="${PATH}:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"

More info here.


Download and install deploy1:

go install github.com/moveaxlab/deploy1@latest


All configuration happens inside a deploy1.json in the root of your project.


You can have multiple environments for your registry and deployment configuration. Environment specific configuration goes into the environment key of the argo and registry configuration.

You can specify a default environment with the default_environment key.

Docker image registry

The configuration for your docker image registry is stored in the registry key.

You must provide a base_path for your docker registry.

You must provide a directory for your docker registry for each environment.

The final image tag for service and tag inside env will be:

  • the base_path configured for your registry, followed by a /
  • the directory for env, followed by a /
  • the service_name of service, followed by a :
  • the tag you provided

If base_path is myregistry.com, directory for env is my_dir, and the service name is service, the final image tag will be:


Deployment configuration

Deployment happens using argocd and image tag override. All deployment configuration is stored inside the argo key.

For each environment, you should provide the following values:

  • auth_token: this is the name of the environment variable containing the argocd auth token for the given environment
  • server: this is the url of the server for the given environment

Bundling configuration

You can run additional steps before and after building the docker images of your service. The bundle configuration is stored inside the scripts key.

You can specify three different scripts:

  • prepare_bundle is ran only once before any service is built
  • bundle is ran for each service right before the docker build, and receives in input the service name
  • post_bundle is ran only once after all services have been built

All keys are treated as paths to a script relative to the root directory.

Service configuration

The service configuration is stored inside the services key.

The services key is a map, where each key is the name of the service. For each service you must provide the following values:

  • directory: the directory where docker build will run
  • service_name: the name of the service on argo
  • image_name: the name of the image on your registry
  • dockerfile: (optional) the path to dockerfile to use for the service, relative to the directory of the service
  • scripts: (optional) an object containing global scripts override. It is possibile to override only the bundle script
    • bundle is ran right before the docker build, and receives in input the service name. It is executed instead of global bundle script. The path is relative to the service directory and it is executed in the service directory

If all your services use the same dockerfile, you can specify it inside the docker key, as dockerfile. This must be a path relative to the root directory of your project.

Complete configuration example

A complete configuration looks something like this:

  "default_environment": "dev",
  "argo": {
    "retries": 3,
    "environments": {
      "dev": {
        "auth_token": "ARGOCD_AUTH_TOKEN_DEV",
        "server": "argo.myproject.it"
  "registry": {
    "base_path": "my.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com",
    "environments": {
      "dev": {
        "directory": "dev/myproject"
  "docker": {
    "dockerfile": "./nest.Dockerfile"
  "scripts": {
    "prepare_bundle": "./scripts/prepare.sh",
    "bundle": "./scripts/build.sh",
    "post_bundle": "./scripts/cleanup.sh"
  "services": {
    "street-corners": {
      "directory": "./services/street-corners/",
      "service_name": "street-corners",
      "image_name": "street-corners"


All commands accept the --debug flag. This will overflow you with debug messages.

You can get help with commands with deploy1 help and deploy1 help <command>.

Building a service

You can build one or more services with:

deploy1 build <service 1> <service 2> ...

The name of the service is the key of the services config map.

The docker image will be tagged based on the current branch with this policy:

  • if you are on branch dev, the image will be tagged with dev
  • if you are on a feature, bugfix, or task branch, the image will be tagged with the task ID. The task ID must match this regex: [A-Z]+-[0-9]+, e.g. MX-1234

If you are not on dev or on a branch associated with a task ID, you must pass the tag manually, with:

deploy1 build --tag <tag> <service 1> <service 2> ...

You can specify which environment to build for using the --env flag. If you don't specify an environment, the default_environment will be used.

You can also build all services with deploy1 build-all. The flags are the same as deploy1 build.

Additional docker build arguments

You can pass some extra docker build arguments with --build-args:

deploy1 build --build-args "MY_VAR=abc OTHER_VAR=def" <service 1> ...

Additional build arguments should be enclosed in double quotes, and space-separated.

Skipping all bundle scripts

If you are sure your images are ready to be bundled, you can skip the bundle phase with:

deploy1 build --no-bundle <service 1> ...

Build and deploy in one shot

If you want to deploy your services right away, add the --deploy flag to the build command:

deploy1 build --deploy <service 1> ...

Disabling docker cache

The --no-cache flag adds the --no-cache flag to the docker build command:

deploy1 build --no-cache <service 1> ...

Deploying a service

You can deploy one or more services with:

deploy1 deploy <service 1> <service 2> ...

The name of the service is the key of the services config map.

You can specify which environment to deploy to using the --env flag. If you don't specify an environment, the default_environment will be used.

You can also deploy all services with deploy1 deploy-all.


There's an attempt at support for shell completion. To setup shell completion, run this command and follow the instructions for your shell:

deploy1 help completion

Shell completion is provided by cobra.