
Tutorial Steps: Debug vs Release Build

jonathansterry opened this issue · 0 comments


On the Getting Started page of the tutorial, in the "Build your Colcon Workspace" section, there's a helpful notice that the build will take a while, and the user is prompted to build a release version.
Then, on the Your First C++ MoveIt Project page of the tutorial, section 2.1, the user is prompted to build a debug version, with no explanation of why we're no longer doing release, or that it will overwrite the long build that just took place, and that this one will also take a long time to build.

Your environment

I was following the Humble tutorial, but it's present in the latest version tutorial as well.

Steps to reproduce

Just look at the tutorial wording on the pages linked above.

Expected behaviour

Change the command to always do release or always do debug.

Backtrace or Console output