Movement dApp Workshop

This repository contains two iterations of a simple dApp that allows users to post messages to a chat room. The chat room can be accessed by anyone and anyone can create their own chat room. The dApp is built using the Aptos Move language and Sui Move language.

Aptos: Sui:


Movement CLI

bash <(curl -fsSL --latest

clone this repository

Aptos Iteration

The first iteration of the dApp is built using the Aptos Move language. The dApp is located in the aptos directory. Once inside the repository, navigate to the aptos directory and run the following commands to deploy the dApp to the Move VM.

cd aptos

Publish Module

Aptos language requires you to initialize the Move environment:

movement aptos move init

Then you can publish the module:

movement aptos move publish --named-addresses chat_addr=default

Test Front End

To test the front end, navigate to the frontend directory and run the following command to start the front end server.

npm i && npm run dev

You will be able to see your frontend at http://localhost:3000.

Take a look at aptos/frontend/components/Chat.tsx. This file contains the logic for the chat room. The Chat component is responsible for fetching the chat messages, displaying them and posting new messages to the chat room.

const abi = { "address": "0xYOUR_ADDRESS", (...)}"

Replace 0xYOUR_ADDRESS with the address of the chat_addr you just published. Make sure the address starts with 0x else add it. That should be available in .aptos/config.yaml file as the account field.

Now you can try running your transactions on the frontend and see the chat messages being posted.

Sui Iteration

The next iteration of the dApp is built using the Sui Move language. Once inside the repository, navigate to the sui directory:

cd sui

Then publish the module.

Publish Module

Sui language requires you to add configure your environment for Movement:

movement sui client new-env --alias movement --rpc

Then switch to movement:

movement sui client switch movement

Then you can publish the module:

movement sui client publish --gas-budget 5000000 --skip-dependency-verification

Look at the transaction data output. Under "Transaction Effects" you'll see Created Objects:

One object will have Owner: Shared under its ID. That's your ChatRoom object. You'll need that ID in the next step.

Under "Published Objects" you'll see a PackageID. That's the ID of your chat package. You'll need that as well.

Test Front End

To test the front end, navigate to the Sui frontend directory and run the following command to start the front end server.

npm i && npm run dev

You will be able to see your frontend at http://localhost:3000.

Take a look at sui/frontend/components/Chat.tsx. This file contains the logic for the chat room. The Chat component is responsible for fetching the chat messages, displaying them and posting new messages to the chat room.

Replace chatRoomId with the ID of the ChatRoom you just published. Make sure the address starts with 0x else add it.

Replace CHAT_PACKAGE_ID with the ID of your chat package.

Now you can try running your transactions on the frontend and see the chat messages being posted.