Project has 2 parts

Selenium Framework Part

ConfigReader is used to retrieve configuration from
DriverSetup is used to create webdriver instance according to
EnvConfiguration is model for so we are mapping configs to object.
Helper is used for webelement utilities such as visibility, clickable
Hooks is used for cucumber feature steps to run webdriver before steps.

Selenium Test Scenarios Part

# Resources
    apps folder is including apks which are used in mobile app testing
    capabilities folder is including mobile device properties
    features folder is including cucumber scenarios which need to be re-written according to BDD
# test
    api folder is used for rest and httpuinit tests.
    devices is used for mapping appium device props to java object.
    karate folder is used karate testing, karate runs by using runner class but implementation is done in .feature 
    mobile_pages folder is used mobile app testing and includes page objects which are including elements and locators
    model folder is used for api testing and mapping to object from json response
    pages folder is including web page objects so elements and locators
    performance folder is including gatling and jmeter folders. Jmeter is implemented by using java 
    testscenarios folder is used for tests. Junit5 and testng are used for testing schema.