- 0
Support import
#17 opened by kroehre - 1
- 2
Schema to classes conversion fails if XML elements has an "invalid" character
#21 opened by jairojunior - 2
Trouble installing under Ruby 2.2, 1.8.7
#18 opened by dmolesUC - 0
- 0
- 2
Can RXSD generate schema-complaint XML?
#16 opened by mikegee - 1
Parsing National Vulnerability XML file fails
#14 opened by frosenberg - 0
Namespace Problem?
#15 opened by mikegee - 0
Problem with superclass method
#13 opened by frosenberg - 0
If the URI scheme is nil
#10 opened by cjavdev - 2
- 1
crash on CDISC ODM 1.3.1 schema
#6 opened by thyresias - 0
- 2
Explosions on Ruby 1.9.
#4 opened by preston - 1
- 1
GEM update
#2 opened - 1
problems in the parser
#1 opened by vpereira