
Ruby Enhanced Terminal

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

RETerm - Ruby Enhanced Terminal

RETerm is a Text Based User Interface Framework built ontop of ncurses

Worth a thousand words...



RETerm depends on the ncursesw rubygem, which in return depends on the 'ncursesw' and terminfo libraries. These must be available for use locally via on means or another. Most Operating Systems and distributions have a binary / bundled version available, read the ncurses documentation for more information. The following packages should suffice to install on Linux:

  $ dnf install ruby-devel ncurses-devel (Fedora/RedHat)

  $ apt-get install ruby-dev libncursesw5-dev libncurses5-dev libtinfo-dev (Ubuntu)

To install the core RETerm framework and components, simply run:

  $ gem install reterm

Optional Components

RETerm ships with components that depend on additional gem dependencies. These features are completely optional and will not be required unless the corresponding components are instantiated. To install all optional RETerm dependencies run:

  $ gem install artii drawille chunky_png cdk


See the examples/ directory for demos of many common components.

The following will instantiate a simple "Hello World" interface:

require 'reterm'
include RETerm

init_reterm {
  win = Window.new :rows => 10,
                   :cols => 30

  label = Components::Label.new :text => "Hello world"
  win.component = label


For something more interesting, create and activate layout and components. After we are done, reading the user input is a cinch!

results = {}

init_reterm {
  ColorPair.register :green, :black, :main

  win = Window.new
  win.colors = :main

  layout1 = Layouts::Horizontal.new
  win.component = layout1

  child1 = layout1.add_child :rows => 3,
                             :cols => 20

  dial = Components::Dial.new
  child1.component = dial

  child2 = layout1.add_child :rows => 15,
                             :cols => 40

  entry = Components::Entry.new :title => "Enter: ", :label => "Text:"
  child2.component = entry



  results[:dial]   = dial.value
  results[:entry]  = entry.value

puts "Input results: "
puts results

How about a generic JSON schema representing a terminal interface?

  "window" : {
    "rows"      : 10,
    "cols"      : 50,
    "border"    : true,
    "component" : {
      "type" : "Entry",
      "init" : {
        "title" : "<C>Demo",
        "label" : "Enter Text: "

And here's how to load it:

init_reterm {


Full reference documentation is available via yard


Copyright (C) 2017 Mo Morsi mo@morsi.org

Distributed under the MIT licesnse