
with CRUD oprations on Blog model


by using Django-Ninja, i create a 4-routes for the CRUD oprations, by using schemas to validata the payload and parse the response in it, and the Router to provide an access to each endpoints


  1. blog.py:
from ninja import Schema

class BlogSchema(Schema):
    id: int
    title: str
    description: str

class BlogIn(Schema):
    title: str
    description: str
  1. response:
from ninja import Schema

class MessageSchema(Schema):
    message: str


  1. i create table_form.html table.html,and table_row.html for design the page.
  2. in /partials/ i update in table_opereations by adding:
    • get_blogs: The Main Function that incude all below methods:
      • init(): To fetch the blogs and put it in the table
      • create_blog: with Two Vars (Title, description) That Binding with form field, and return async function (add_blog)
      • delete_blog: That recive Blog.id and send it as params to delete it
      • update_blog: That recive Blog.id and send it as a payload


in Alpine code, i check if the response is success or not depending on message i sent from the backend with the response schema, cause i didn't know how to access status code (cause it is my first time in django- ninja) so the code become:

if (response.message === "Ok"){
    this.msg = 'deleted'
    this.error_msg = 'there was an error !!'

i try :

if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300){
    this.msg = 'deleted'


if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300){
    this.msg = 'deleted'

but both of it return undefind