AZ-304 exam preparation kit

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This repository has been forked from Piotr1215's AZ-300 prep kit repository . I am in the process of updating it to AZ-303.

I am soon to take the Exam: AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies and this repo is my way of preparing for the exam. This exam is one of two to earn Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification.

You can clone this repo and mark your progress. If you want use this repo as a starter for your learning process you will need to reset the state of checkboxes. Currently most are marked as done, but you can easily do search and replace in your editor of choice (search for [x] and replace with [ ], notice there is space between empty brackets).

Feel free to fork or submit PR, but please stick to the format. Please make sure to read contributing guidelines

Content & Learning Progress

Exam curriculum is based on material update from December 4, 2019.

The most significan change is increasing infrastructure related questions to almost half of the exam questions and reducing section dedicated for development in cloud. After the update the exam leans very heavily towards infrastructure and workloads (networking, load balancing, backup&migration, serverless, storage accounts, VMs, infrastructure as code, active directory, MFA, RBAC).

To put this in perspective, here is a random distribtion of questions based on weighted percentages (assuming 60 questions):

Area Number of Questions Percentage
Implement and Monitor an Azure Infrastructure 30-33 (50-55%)
Implement Management and Security Solutions 15-18 (25-30%)
Implement Solutions for Apps 6-9 (10-15%)
Implement and Manage Data Platforms 6-9 (10-15%)

Each section of the exam material has its own README file linked below with links to Azure documentation, Pluralsight videos (free), labs and other useful info. There is also Exercises folder with a few scripts (mostly Azure CLI) to deploy resources on Azure quicker.


Best resource is to practice yourself what you learin in the portal, especially in the area of networking, virtual machines and active directory. Most of the resources listed below do not go deep enough into details and only way to understand the niuances of each topic is to practice it until "aha" moment is achieved.

  1. Pluralsight Courses

  2. Udemy "AZ-300 Azure Architecture Technologies Certification Exam" by Scott Duffy

  3. Official Microsoft exam page with free learning materials

  4. Video from MS Ignite with tips on taking the exam

  5. Self paced Azure labs

  6. Azure documentation

  7. Quick-start ARM and Powershell templates

Glossary of Terms


Key Notes

Key Notes

Exam preparation tips

#1: Understand exam structure

Az-300 is focusing on practical usecases of Azure technologies. Exam has following characteristics:

  1. Questions: 40-60 questions

    • Some questions are worth 1 point

    • Some questions cannot be skipped

    • There are different types of questions: multiple-choice, build list, hot area, drag and drop, reorder etc

    • There are also Performance based questions (labs) to be done in Azure portal

    • Questions are often in context of Case Studies where you need to gather and understand information across multiple sources

  2. Duration: 3,5 hours

    • Schedule 30 minutes for reading and understangin instructions and rest for actal exam.

    • Take your time with the questions, it is important to read carefully with understanding. I have finished the exam more than 1 hour before end time, so there is plenty of time.

#2: Learn how to manipulate resources on Azure using command line tools and Azure ARM templates

I had maybe 2-3 questions with some powershell commands and none with azure CLI, but of course each exam is different, so it's best to stay safe and learn this as well.

  • Use az interactive to enable CLI auto completion and helpful tips

  • Use powershell, get help on commands and understand the order of command-lets (first create resource group, etc)

#3: Preview features are NOT included in the exam curriculum

Preview features are not included, but you should keep an eye on the exam page and check for updates. For example, while I was preparing for the exam it has been updated and some preview features are now GA.

#4: Always answer all the questions. There is no penalty for wrong answers

#5: Before you schedule the exam, check for offers

#6: Practice key components using Azure Portal, there will be practice tests

You need to be very familiar with Azure Portal, know how to search for resources and create them quickly. Make use of tooltips (usually under small "?" icon), they often explain details you will need to finish the lab in case you don't remember details for a service or resource.

#7: Schedule exam and create and follow preparation plan

When I was confident I have enought preparation and understand the material, it was time to schedule the exam. Scheduling exam was important to set a date in calendar and make sure I stay focus and plan my time well.

10 days from exam I scheduled final preparation plan focusing on each section as below. Each time I would use the links, refresh core info, do a lab and most importantly go to Azure Portal and try to perform given task myself. I also used mindmaps and OneNote to keep the learning material organized.

  • Days 1-3: Deploy and configure infrastructure (40-45%)

  • Days 4-5: Implement workloads and security (25-35%)

  • Day 6: Create and deploy apps (5-10%)

  • Day 7: Implement authentication and secure data (5-10%)

  • Day 8: Develop for the cloud and for Azure storage (15-20%)

  • Day 9: Practice exams and mock questions, final review. Please don't use so called braindumps. I used "Microsoft Azure AZ-300 Architecture Technologies Practice Exams" (bought cheap on Udemy during Cyber Week)

  • Day 10: EXAM!

#8: A few thoughts after passing the exam

The exam focuses heavily on networking and VMs. Questions are really tricky with multiple layers of indirection and broad knowledge of even small properties of different Azure managed services is required to answer majority of the questions. Questions around virtual networks were most diffucult for me, setting up load balancers, connecting networks and all this under often complex and tricky requirements.

There is separate section for case study and separate section for labs. Case study requires good understanding of problem domain and requirements, so read each question very carefully, there is plenty of time.

Labs are not that difficult, but once or twice remote sessions hanged on me and exam was rebooted.

At the end what helped me pass was experience with Azure and trying everything on my own in Azure Portal, creating and solving problems and experimenting with virtual network and vms.

Good luck :)