
A simple and elegant RESTful API example using Flask framework in Python.

Primary LanguagePython

Create API with Python

RESTful API for books database written in Flask framework using SQLAlchemy (ORM) and Marshmallow (Serialization/Deserialization).

API Server

The API is up-and-running at [https://bookapi-297922.uc.r.appspot.com/books], which has been created using Google Cloud App Engine. All the source and configuration files are located in src/.

Running the test with mock data

Clone/download the example directory. A small book database has been provided in mock.csv. To post the entries in the database using the API, run the following:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python3 create_post_request.py [URL] [CSVDATA]

Where URL is the server address [default https://bookapi-297922.uc.r.appspot.com/books] and CSVDATA is csvfile containing test data (default mock.csv). An output file named summary.txt will be created describing the results, indicating the successful and failed entries.

Tests with Postman

Individual tests can also be performed with Postman (highly recommended). Examples from mock.csv are provided in postman_examples.txt. These examples will demonstrate the functionality of the API including failure scenarios based on schema validation errors.

Development Run (on local machines)

If you would like to run the API in development mode on your local machine, it can be done as follows:

  • Clone/download the repo
  • In the src/ directory:
    • Install dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    • Create a file named .flaskenv and add FLASK_ENV=development
    • Start the server: flask run
  • In example, run the test: python3 create_post_request.py [URL] [CSVDATA] (Change URL to your local port address now)
  • Or play with Postman!

In the development mode, you can explicitly see how the sqlite database file catalogue.db is getting updated after each HTTP request.

Docker pull

If for some reason you would like to work with the docker image, you can pull it using:

docker pull gcr.io/bookapi-297922/bookapiimage:latest