Spotify Group Session

A feature for Group Session is not available yet.

It is an utility application for Spotify function "Group Session" while using desktop client.

Also it is Implemented some functions to vizualize Audio Features. (Read more)

Deployed to Heroku

Local Installation & Set Up

  1. Register a Spotify App in your Spotify Developer Dashboard and add http://localhost:8888/callback as a Redirect URI in the app settings

  2. Create a .env file at the project based on .env.example and add your unique CLIENT_ID and CLIET_SECRET from the Spotify dashboard

  3. Ensure nvm and npm are installed globally.

  4. Install the correct version of Node

    nvm install
  5. Install dependencies

    npm install 
  6. Run the React app on http://localhost:3000 and the Node server on http://localhost:8888

    npm start

Deploying to Heroku with Git

  1. Create a Heroku app

  2. Add your Heroku app as a git remote

    heroku git remote -a your-app-name
  3. Add as a Redirect URI in your Spotify app's settings

  4. In your app's Settings tab in the Heroku dashboard, add config vars

    Based on the values in your .env file, the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, REDIRECT_URI, and FRONTEND_URI key value pairs. Make sure to replace the localhost URLs with your heroku app's URL.

  5. Push to Heroku

    git push heroku master



npm install

Launch applications

launch to dev(activate server & client)

npm start

launch server

npm server

launch client

npm client


Deploy with Heroku and using Heroku CLI.

  1. Login and Connect application (fist-time only)

    heroku login
    heroku git:remote -a <HEROKU_APPLICATION_NAME>
  2. commit and push

    git commit -m "deploy" --allow-empty
    git push heroku master
  3. finish to deploy

Install packages

install a package for an authenication server


install a package for React client

cd client


Spotify API


Web Application