
word-a-day-calendar for Lojban on Twitter

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This is an automated agent that posts a "word-a-day" sort of thing to Twitter for the language Lojban. Twitter account is @gismu.

The four parts of speech in Lojban are gismu (root predicate-words), lujvo (compound predicate-words), cmavo (structure-words), and cmene (name-words).

It's actually not daily but every eight hours, so that it will cycle over a year. The lexicon I have contains 1436 gismu, and 8760 hours / 6 hours = 1430 words. I've pre-processed the gismu list so that it only states the word, one or two English translations (first literal, then general-use), then the text of how the predicate is used. The list is sorted randomly and stored, to make sure of no repeats.


  • install Bear's python-twitter module
  • register a new app with twitter:
    • http://twitter.com/oauth_clients
    • write these into secrets.json
  • prep the gismu list:
    • perl -ne 'chomp; next if /^ \d+ /; $g = substr($_,1,5); $e = substr($_,20,42); $e =~ s/ +/ /g; $e =~ s/^ +| +$//g; $def = substr($_,62); $def =~ s/ .+//; $def =~ s/ \d\w \d\d\d$//; $line ="$g: $e. $def"; $line =~ s/"/\x27/g; die "$line\n" if length($line) > 140; print "$line\n";' /usr/share/lojban/gismu.txt | shuf > ./gismu_list.txt; /bin/rm -f gismu_list.txt.offset
    • there should be no " marks in the gismu_list.txt file
    • for tradition's sake, put the gismu 'gismu' at the top of the list. It's a good sign of when the stack rolls over.
  • the crojob
    • 19 */8 * * * ( cd gismu-bot && NEXT=$(./nextline gismu_list.txt); if [ -n "$NEXT" ];then ./post_tweet.py "$NEXT" ; else echo >&2 "End Of List reached"; fi )


cd /usr/local/gismu-bot;
NEXT=`./nextline gismu_list.txt`;
[ "$NEXT" ] && ./gismu_tweet.py "$NEXT" || echo "no more gismu."


  • pure python implementation of nextline.c
  • re-shuffle the word list automatically when it reaches the end.
  • support other platforms in case Twitter implodes
  • is there an updated Lojban dictionary, in the 18 years since I made this?


  • 2023 Mar. Bear's python-twitter module changed, has a syntax error and some incompatible changes to method calls.
  • 2022 Nov. Twitter bought by whats-his-name. Oh boy.
  • 2021 Jul 07. reached the end, got the email warning. STILL haven't automated reshuffling the list.
  • 2020 Apr 15. reached the end, got the email warning. Still haven't automated this.
  • 2020 Jan 22. reached the end, got the email warning. Opened the gismu_list.txt in vi, :2,1341!shuf, then deleted *.offset Still haven't automated this.
  • 2018 Oct 29. reached the end, got the email warning. Shuffled the list by hand, putting 'gismu' at the start and 'fanmo' at the end, then deleted gismu_list.offset.
  • 2017 Aug 7. reached the end again, got the email warning. Shuffled the list by hand, putting 'gismu' at the start and 'fanmo' at the end.
  • 2016 Apr 8. Reminder to self: I say these are gismu, but not all the words in the reference gismu.txt list are gismu (CVCCV or CCVCV). Need to change the list before the next restart.
  • 2014 Apr 3. Ran out again. Didn't notice until Sept 10. Really need to fix it so I get notified. Reshuffled the list, put 'gismu' at the top, deleted gismu_list.offset to get it going again.
  • 2013 Feb 17. I ran out of gismu, but I didn't notice until Mar 25 16h40. Erased the *.offset file, reshuffled the gismu list (except the first entry, 'gismu'). Retstart!
  • 2012 Jun 11 18:46 EDT. Getting this error message: 'The Twitter REST API v1 is no longer active. Please migrate to API v1.1.' and Tweepy is gone!