Movie app using TMDB api

The main focus of this project was to learn React, so I did not spend much time on the user interface, as I wanted to concentrate on learning the technology itself.

  • This is a simple React learning project.

I used the following tools and technologies

  • Formik and Yup for form validation
  • Context for state management.
  • firebase firestore for the db
  • Firebase Auth for registration processes.
  • tailwind css
  • react-toastify
  • react-router-dom (useNavigate & useParams)


  • You have to login for using watch&watched list page.

  • After logging in, you can add any movie to your watchlist and after watching it, you can move it to your watched list.

  • You cannot add a movie to both your watchlist and watched list at the same time.

  • You can also access the movie detail page, where you can view more information about a movie and write your thoughts and opinions about it. (for writing to comment you have to login)

  • You can also search for movies.



detail page
