
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Brick tabbar component.


Check it live!


  1. Import Web Components polyfill:

    <script src="bower_components/platform/platform.js"></script>
  2. Import Custom Element:

    <link rel="import" href="dist/brick-tabbar.html">
  3. Start using it:


brick-tabbar details


Attribute Options Default Description
target-event string reveal The event that a tab fires on its target element when the tab is clicked.


Property Type Default Description
target-event string reveal Corresponds to the target-event attribute.
tabs (getter only) array - Returns a list of the <brick-tabbar-tab> elements in the <brick-tabbar>.

brick-tabbar-tab details


Attribute Options Default Description
target-event string - The event that a tab fires on its target element when the tab is clicked. If not specified a tab takes the event specified on the parent brick-tabbar.
target string - The id of the target element of this particular tab.


Property Type Default Description
target-event string reveal Corresponds to the target-event attribute.
target string - Corresponds to the target attribute.
targetElement node getter: Returns the element targeted by the specific tab. setter: Assigns the tab's targeted element. (If target is assigned using this dynamic assignment, the target-selector attribute is removed.)


Method Parameters Returns Description
select() - - Select the tab.


Event Description
reveal Whenever a <brick-tabbar-tab> is clicked, and target-event is not otherwise specified, a reveal event is fired on each of its target elements. It is up to the target element to respond to this event. Some Brick Elements have default responses to the reveal.
select The select event is fired when the tab is explicitly selected, using its select method.


Brick components use Stylus to generate their CSS.

This repository comes outfitted with a set of tools to ease the development process.

To get started:

  • Install Bower & Gulp:

    $ npm install -g bower gulp
  • Install local dependencies:

    $ npm install && bower install

While developing your component, there is a development server that will watch your files for changes and automatically re-build your styles and re-lint your code.

To run the development server:

  • Run gulp server
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3001

To simply build and lint your code, run gulp build.

You can also push your code to GitHub Pages by running gulp deploy.