
My vim, bash, tmux, conky and other config files.

Primary LanguageVim Script


I'm a user of linux based systems, so it's natural to use the cli apps sometimes. Because of this I have a problem to remember every shortcut. So I created this repo to save my own configs and (if it's necessary) list the most important for me shortcuts.

  1. Conky - lightweight desktop system monitor
  2. NeoVim - Vim fork
  3. Translate Shell - translator in cli
  4. Other files - other files, the description of which is so short that I didn't create a separate folder for them, e.g. grip
  5. mps-youtube - youtube in cli
  6. tmux - terminal multiplexer

Why the name of this repo is "dotfiles" not "myconfig" or "settings"?
Because is very popular that when we're personalizing various programs, their configuration files start from dot. So we can say that config files are dot-files, for example config file for tmux will be ". tmux.conf".
Nice article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_file_and_hidden_directory

Cheat sheet

1. Tmux

General shortkeys
Start session: tmux
All commands in Tmux start with a prefix: ctrl + b
List of all commands: ctrl + b and after this press ?
Tmux sessions
List of the Tmux sessions: tmux ls
Create a new window with shell: ctrl + b and c
Choose window from a list: ctrl + b and w
Rename the current window: ctrl + b and ,
Panel management
Split current panel horizontally: ctrl + b and %
Split current panel vertically: ctrl + b and "
Go to the next panel: ctrl + b and o
Close the current panel: ctrl + b and x
Change panels layout: ctrl + b and space
Panel is a new window: ctrl + b and !
Select window NUMBER: ctrl + b and number, eg. ctrl + b 0
Focus on active panel (when divided): ctrl + b and z
Swap panels: ctrl + b and { or }
Enter copy mode: ctrl + b and [ then use the arrow keys to go to the position from where you want to start copying.
Enter copy mode: ctrl + b and [
Start copyting: ctrl + space
Save marked text: ctrl + w
Paste the selected text: ctrl + b and ]

2. trans

Translate one word: trans :en jeden
Tranlate sentence: trans :en "jakieś zdanie"

3. grip

Start server: grip

4. nvim

Main shortcuts
Moving in the editor Navigation, instead of arrows: h, j, k, l
Insert text before the cursor: i
Insert text from the beginning of the line: shift + i
Append text after the cursor: a
Append text at the end of the line: shift + a
Insert text in a new line below the cursor: o
Insert text in a new line above the cursor: shift + o
Jump to the end if the word: w
Skip forward two words and set cursor at the beginning of next word: zw
Skip forward three words and set cursor on the end of next word: 3e
Place the cursor at the top of the document: ctrl + g
Place the cursor at the bottom of the document: shift + g
Writing at the end of the line: shift + a
Writing at the beginning of the line: shift + i
Moves the cursor to the last place you were editing and puts in insert mode: gi
Jumps to the previous place where the cursor recently had been: ctrl + o
Jumps to the next place where the cursor recently had been: ctrl + i
Scroll the current buffer one line up: ctrl + e
Scroll the current buffer one line down: ctrl + y
Set in the middle of the screen: zz
Go to (local) variable definition: gd
Copying and deleting
Delete sign under cursor: x
Delete the entire word with space after this word and set cursor on first character of the next word: dw
Delete all words to the end of line: d$
Delete the entire word up to space: de
Delete to the end of word, set cursor on the last character of the deleted word: ce
Delete two words: d2w
Delete entire line: dd
Delete two entire lines: 2dd
Replace sign under cursor: r
Copy whole line (without visual mode): y
Copy to system clipboard (in visual mode): "+y
Paste: p
Paste what dd action removed: p
Searching and replacing
Search forward from cursor: /{pattern}
Search backward from cursor: ?{pattern}
Next occurrence of search pattern: n
Previous occurrence of search pattern: N
Replace all matches of a pattern: :%s/{pattern}/{string}/
Replace all matches of a pattern in the selected area (in visual mode): :s/{pattern}/{string}
Search for the exact word under the cursor: *
Entering into insert mode: i
Switch to visual mode: v
Execute external command: :!<command>
Redo an undone action: ctrl + r
Shows how many percent of the document has passed: ctrl + g
Shift the line (or selection) one indent to the right: >>
Shift the line (or selection) one indent to the left: <<
Complete the current word under the cursor from the word following it: ctrl + n or ctrl + p
Open NERDTree: :NERDTree
Next tab: ctrl + l
Previous tab: ctrl + h
Open in a new tab: t
VHDL snippets
Expand snippet tab
Jump forward inside snippet ctrl + b
Jump backward inside snippet ctrl + z
All code snippets available: here
Possible snippets: lib