- 7
mozilla-download: No such file or directory when trying to run "./ gij"
#8 opened by mwargers - 0
make really-clean if using custom gaia
#13 opened by shinglyu - 2
Need to be able to assign custom Gecko
#16 opened by shinglyu - 0
- 2
- 0
Need to see the Mulet window while running
#19 opened by shinglyu - 0
- 1
Need a MDN or Wiki page
#21 opened by shinglyu - 0
- 0
Running ./ in interactive shell in ~/MozITP/scripts will break it
#27 opened by shinglyu - 0
create a "" for setting the env vars
#45 opened by askeing - 0
[meta] Refactoring
#35 opened by shinglyu - 0
Document the jenkins vm accumulation issue
#55 opened by shinglyu - 0
Fork run interval tool to independent project
#58 opened by askeing - 1
Create regular update for ITP VM image
#61 opened by shinglyu - 1
Open TV Mulet in correct screen size
#66 opened by shinglyu - 0
Organize the menu items
#70 opened by askeing - 0 file missing
#75 opened by Mozilla-GitHub-Standards - 1
TV support
#23 opened by shinglyu - 0
GIJ on TV Mulet
#38 opened by shinglyu - 2
- 0
- 0
Add GIP phone mulet into menu
#71 opened by askeing - 1
New packaged box can't log in
#67 opened by shinglyu - 0
Add a start x option in the menu
#64 opened by shinglyu - 0
Rename the test script with [test name]_[phone|tv]_[device|emulator|device].sh pattern
#50 opened by shinglyu - 3
All Tests on Jenkins are always passing
#53 opened by shinglyu - 8
GIJ on emulator
#37 opened by shinglyu - 2
Create a VM snapshot
#30 opened by askeing - 2
GIP on Mulet
#39 opened by shinglyu - 1
- 0
mktemp should support osx as well
#56 opened by zapion - 1
Write a flashtool test script
#54 opened by shinglyu - 0
Handle duplicate VirtualBox usbfilters
#47 opened by askeing - 1
make really-clean when using custom gaia
#42 opened by shinglyu - 2
Update packages one time a day
#29 opened by askeing - 0
Create a simple tool to run command once a day
#33 opened by askeing - 0
Create a blacklist or whitelist for SCP
#31 opened by askeing - 0
The MozITP folder will miss when first launch
#40 opened by askeing - 0
Mulet on X-window
#36 opened by shinglyu - 0
- 2
- 1
Add vm/ in ignore list
#10 opened by zapion - 1
Split the menu and greeting
#28 opened by askeing - 0
README: remind to open VT-* techonology in BIOS
#25 opened by shinglyu - 0
- 0
Add single test file command to README
#14 opened by shinglyu - 0
- 8
Update to Node v4.0
#7 opened by shinglyu - 0
Small issue with
#6 opened by mwargers