
Utility for building Storybooks and publishing them to Google Cloud in CI runs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a utility intended for use with CircleCI which does the following:

  1. Build Storybooks for a project

  2. Publish those Storybook builds as a static website on the Google Cloud Platform

  3. Post a Github status check for the commit that links to the Storybook builds



The intended use for this utility is as a build job in CircleCI, e.g.:

    resource_class: small
      - image: circleci/node:12
      - run:
          name: Build and deploy Storybooks
          command: npx github:lmorchard/storybook-gcp-publisher


Check ./index.js for command line options. The --help option can provide useful information as well:

✗ npx github:lmorchard/storybook-gcp-publisher --help
npx: installed 134 in 5.229s
Usage: storybook-gcp-publisher [options]

  -d, --dir <path>         working directory
  -c, --config <file>      local config JSON file
  -l, --log-level <level>  log level
  --check-config           dump config settings to console and exit
  --skip-build             skip storybook build
  --skip-publish           skip storybook publish
  --skip-status            skip setting github status check
  -V, --version            output the version number
  -h, --help               display help for command



This utility requires a static website hosted on Google Cloud Storage and credentials to manage that site's bucket.

A Github personal access token is also required for posting status check updates.

Credentials for Github and GCP should be configured in environmental variables:

  • STORYBOOKS_GITHUB_TOKEN - personal access token on GitHub for use in posting status check updates

  • STORYBOOKS_GCP_BUCKET - name of the GCP bucket to which Storybook builds will be uploaded

  • STORYBOOKS_GCP_PROJECT_ID - the ID of the GCP project to which the bucket belongs

  • STORYBOOKS_GCP_CLIENT_EMAIL - client email address from GCP credentials with access to the bucket

  • STORYBOOKS_GCP_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64 - the private key from GCP credentials, encoded with base64 to accomodate linebreaks


Check ./lib/config.js for the complete configuration schema.

The --config-check option outputs the current configuration with sensitive values obscured and then exits. This can be handy for troubleshooting config issues.

Most configuration options have defaults or will be derived from environment variables and package.json in the current working directory. The current working directory can be changed with the --dir option, if necessary.

Per-project configuration can be specified with an object in package.json under the key storybookPublisher.

Alternatively, a JSON file may be specified with the --config command line option.