Proof of concept for listening to releng-hardware events

This is a repository which contains a proof of concept for listening to queue messages regarding hardware under the releng-hardware psuedo-provisioner for the purpose of tracking releng hardware. It is not a fully formed codebase, rather a simple codebase which can be developed into a fully featured tool.

It is written in Python 2.7, but should be possible to convert to Python 3.

The basic idea is to listen to any messages which are sent by the Queue for workers which use the provisioner id 'releng-hardware' and represent activity from a worker. This is a task failing, completing, running or exception-ing. Any of these messages show signs of active life on the instance. It might be desirable to track task exception states for each worker.


Resources in this system are identified by $DC:$HOSTNAME. Basically, I don't know if it's safe to assume that hostnames are unique across all of releng-hardware so I've included the datacenter in the identifier.

The /machines endpoint splits the datacenter id from the hostname, so if desired, can be ignored


A file is not provided because this is a proof of concept. Writing one is recommended.

The dependencies used are installed as follows:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuration and Running

This system requires a Redis installation and a Pulse username and password.

The following commands will run the webserver and pulse listener in the background.

$ cat
export AMQP_USER=username
export AMQP_PASS=password
export REDIS_URL='redis://'
$ source
$ python &
$ python &

A script exists which takes data in the format returned by the /machines endpoint and inserts it into the redis storage. This shouldn't be needed though, since a 404 response from the /machines/<id> should be enough to know that the machine has not been heard from since the database was last initialized.

Here's an example index in the list

    "machine": "t-linux64-ms-100",
    "datacenter": "mdc1",
    "lastseen": "2018-11-08T08:47:50.939514"

This document is read from standard input and inserts into redis. The production REDIS_URL must be set correctly, which is accessible from heroku using the Heroku CLI tool as follows:

export $(heroku config:get -s REDIS_URL --app releng-hardware)
cat data-to-preload.json | python


A sample deployment is made as Heroku app ''. It uses two dynos, one for the webserver and one for the pulse listener. There is a shared Redis app which is automatically managed by Heroku for storing data.


This app provides a very simple API. It has two methods:

  1. list all machines, their datacenter and time they were last seen
  2. show the last time t-linux64-ms-100 in mdc1 was seen.

Both responses are content-type application/json. Absence from the first endpoint or a 404 from the second implies the machine has not been seen since listening began