
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - A Docker container and Kubernetes Helm chart to gate access to upstream services.

Primary LanguageLuaMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

OIDC Gateway

A Docker container and Kubernetes Helm chart that gates access to an upstream service based on OpenID Connect authentication. It uses OpenResty with lua-resty-openidc. Additionally, it uses Jinja2 to template an NGINX config.

It proxies traffic on port 80. If you want to do TLS, you should terminate it before sending the traffic to this gateway.


OIDC Gateway is configured through YAML files. Because parts of the configuration are sensitive, it takes its configuration from both a ConfigMap and a Secret. The sensitive parts belong in the Secret, and the non-sensitive ones belong in the ConfigMap. The ConfigMap should contain a YAML file named config.yaml and the Secret should contain a YAML file named secrets.yaml. These two files are merged, with values from secrets.yaml taking precedence if they're present in both files.

The configuration looks as follows:

# The upstream service to which to forward authenticated requests.
# E.g. "mozilla.com", "myservice". 
upstream: 'string'
  # The OIDC client ID. E.g. '33PByFLjwvChUk7oaPcD5Z0egBtccacU'
  client_id: 'string'
  # The OIDC client secret.
  # E.g. 'vBOctKc8scalRP__62zh3oNbF2HJWh2lSeyo0EvNcHLpBbokNicnn86InRKlb2P4'
  client_secret: 'string'
  # The OIDC discovery URL.
  # E.g. 'https://auth.mozilla.auth0.com/.well-known/openid-configuration'
  discovery: 'string'
# Secret used to encrypt session data. E.g. '623q4hR325t36VsCD3g567922IC0073T'
session_secret: 'string'

You are free to decide what you want to keep secret and what you want to be public.


Suppose you have a Kubernetes service called secretservice that you want to gate through OpenID Connect. Your OIDC provider gives you the following values:

  • Discovery URL is https://oidc.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
  • Client ID is 33PByFLjwvChUk7oaPcD5Z0egBtccacU
  • Client secret is vBOctKc8scalRP__62zh3oNbF2HJWh2lSeyo0EvNcHLpBbokNicnn86InRKlb2P4

You generate a random session secret, 6660b15ad13f9c5bd0b74767d00d05a3.

You create the following ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: oidc-gateway
  config.yaml: |
    upstream: secretservice
      client_id: '33PByFLjwvChUk7oaPcD5Z0egBtccacU'
      discovery: 'https://oidc.com/.well-known/openid-configuration'

And the following Secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: auth0-proxy
type: Opaque
  secrets.yaml: b2lkYzoKICBjbGllbnRfc2VjcmV0OiB2Qk9jdEtjOHNjYWxSUF9fNjJ6aDNvTmJGMkhKV2gybFNleW8wRXZOY0hMcEJib2tOaWNubjg2SW5SS2xiMlA0CnNlc3Npb25fc2VjcmV0OiA2NjYwYjE1YWQxM2Y5YzViZDBiNzQ3NjdkMDBkMDVhMwo=

The base64-encoded string under secrets.yaml decodes to:

  client_secret: vBOctKc8scalRP__62zh3oNbF2HJWh2lSeyo0EvNcHLpBbokNicnn86InRKlb2P4
session_secret: 6660b15ad13f9c5bd0b74767d00d05a3

Apply these manifests onto your cluster.

You can then use a command like the following to deploy an instance of the gateway. Make sure to pick an appropriate values for all the arguments.

helm template . \
  --set config.configMap=oidc-gateway \
  --set config.secret=oidc-gateway \
  --set app=secretservice \
  -n boring-wozniak | kubectl apply -f -

This will create a Deployment and a Service. It is up to you to direct HTTP traffic to the Service. You can use an Ingress or pass --set service.type=LoadBalancer to the helm invocation, for example.

Future plans

  • Support redis and/or memcached for session storage so we can scale beyond one pod.