
find everything you've ever found

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


find everything you've ever found

Build Status: Travis


Large Tools

Chronicle is built using Node.js, ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, and Redis, so you'll want to install the current stable version of all of these.

If you are using Mac OS and have Homebrew installed, this incantation should work:

$ brew install nodejs elasticsearch postgresql redis


The server-side code dependencies are managed with npm and requires that Grunt is globally installed (npm install -g grunt-cli). The front-end dependencies are managed with Bower; you can install it via npm install -g bower if you don't have it on your system.

To fetch dependencies and get cooking:

  1. npm install and ensure redis, elasticsearch, postgres are all running
  2. As part of the npm install process, the postinstall script will install the Bower dependencies for you.
  3. Copy config/local.json.example to config/local.json, and put your local info in there.
  4. Run ./bin/create_db.sh to create the database
  • this script currently hard-codes the db user, password, and dbname to 'chronicle' (issue #112)
  1. Run ./bin/migrate.js to run all the migrations that create the database tables and indexes. (This script also reindexes elasticsearch, but on the first pass, you don't have data in postgres to copy over.)
  2. Run ./bin/create_test_data.js to create a test user and test data
  • the test user is defined in the config file
  • the test data is a set of visits created using the URLs in config/test-urls.js. Over time we'll experiment with different test data sets, might wind up with a test-urls directory instead.
  1. npm start
  2. You're up and running! surf to http://localhost:8080 🏄


Right now the test suite consists entirely of functional tests that require Selenium Server 2.44.0.


Run the tests

Run the following in separate terminal windows/tabs:

  • java -jar path/to/selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar
  • grunt test

Available Grunt Tasks

Name Description
autoprefixer Adds vendor prefixes to CSS files based on http://caniuse.com statistics.
build Build front-end assets and copy them to dist.
changelog Generate a changelog from git metadata.
clean Deletes files and folders.
contributors Generates a list of contributors from your project's git history.
copy Copies files and folders.
copyright Checks for MPL copyright headers in source files.
css Alias for "sass", "autoprefixer" tasks.
hapi Starts the hapi server.
jscs JavaScript Code Style checker.
jshint Validates files with JSHint.
jsonlint Validates JSON files.
lint Alias for "jshint", "jscs", "jsonlint", "copyright" tasks.
sass Compiles Sass files to vanilla CSS.
serve Alias for "hapi", "build", and "watch" tasks.
validate-shrinkwrap Submits your npm-shrinkwrap.json file to https://nodesecurity.io for validation.
watch Runs predefined tasks whenever watched files change.

npm Scripts

Name Description
authors Alias for grunt contributors Grunt task.
lint Alias for grunt lint Grunt task. This task gets run during the precommit Git hook.
outdated Alias for npm outdated --depth 0 to list top-level outdated modules in your package.json file. For more information, see https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/outdated.
postinstall Runs after the package is installed, and automatically installs/updates the Bower dependencies.
shrinkwrap Alias for npm shrinkwrap --dev and npm run validate to generate and validate npm-shrinkwrap.json file (including devDependencies).
start Runs grunt serve.
test Runs unit and functional tests.
validate Alias for grunt validate-shrinkwrap task (ignoring any errors which may be reported).

Creating Dummy Data

If you just want to test something quickly with a small, known test data set:

  1. Run ./bin/create_db.sh to drop and re-create the local Postgres database.
  2. Run ./bin/migrate.js to apply any Postgres migrations specified in the server/db/migrations/ directory.
  3. To enable test data, ensure the testUser.enabled config option is set in config/local.json.
  • You can use the default id and email (defined in server/config.js), or set them yourself. You can set the values via env vars or config values. See server/config.js for the defaults and which config values or env vars to use.
  1. Run ./bin/create_test_data.js to create a dummy user and a few dummy visits.
  • The created dummy visits which will be created can be found in the config/test-urls.js file.

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