
Log all the CSP violations!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSP Logger

A basic service for logging content security policy violations.

It handles saving violation reports for you. You can save logs to any SQL database or to any appender that log4js is capable of - mainly log files with rotation features and configuration. Logging to console and intercepting in your own application is supported too.


Configure your CSP to report to the /csp route of this service. Incoming reports will be logged to your designated storage.

There are multiple ways to use csp-logger

As a comand line tool

npm install -g csp-logger
csp-logger -c config.json

As a standalone app

Clone this repository and run

npm install .
node csp-logger.js -c config.json

As a module in your application

var cspLogger = require("csp-logger")("config.json"); //accepts a matching object too
    //this runs before the report is stored
    //react to CSP reports or return a modified version 



To get an example configuration file run csp-logger with following arguments: -c example.json --example Configuration is a json file containing the following:

  • store (String) - Choose a storage implementation from lib/stores, which currently gives you the choice of sql, logger, console or nil
  • domainWhitelist (Array of Strings) - A whitelist of domains that will have CSP exceptions logged.
  • sourceBlacklist (Array of Strings) - A list of sources to block from being recorded.

Store configurations:


  • configuration (String) - path to log4js configuration file. Logger name is csp


  • dbDialect (String) - Either mysql, sqlite or postgres.
  • dbHost (String) - SQL server hostname.
  • dbName (String) - Database name.
  • dbPort (Number) - Port number of SQL server.
  • dbUsername (String) - Username with write permissions for DB.
  • dbPassword (String) - Password.


Just logs with console.warn


Does nothing (useful when csp-logger is used as a module)

Module API

The module returns a function accepting 3 arguments:

| configuration | required | Configure csp-logger - string path to configuration file or object matching the expected configuration | | server to use | optional | Bind it to the same port as your app - anything that can be passed as server to express().listen(server) | | testing | optional | boolean stating if you want page throwing violations to be served at / for testing |

var cspLogger = require("csp-logger")("config.json", server, true); 

Intercepting violation reports

An initialized csp-logger instance exports two things:


A report constructor. You can use it to base your implementation of report on it.


Sets a callback that will be called before each report is stored. If the callback returns a new object that implement getLog and getRaw methods - the new instance will be stored instead of the original report.

var cspLogger = require("csp-logger")("config.json");

function MyReport(report, username){
    this.report = report;
    this.username = username

MyReport.prototype.getLog = function(){
    var log = this.report.getLog();
    log+="\n username: "+this.username;
    return log;

cspLogger.interceptReport(function(report, req){
    var username = getUsername(req);
    var myReport = new MyReport(report, username);
    return myReport;

Overriding getRaw requires the output to match SQL schema, so all modifications should be done only to existing fields. other field (type: TEXT) is prepared for the purpose of extensions.

Testing your policies

You can try it out with any policies by running node csp-logger.js -c yourconfig.json --test as it serves test/index.html file on the root path alongside the /csp route.