
Firefox Sync's bookmark tree merging algorithm. 📚

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Dogear is a library that implements bookmark tree merging for Firefox Sync. It takes two trees—a valid, consistent local tree, and a possibly inconsistent remote tree—and produces a complete merged tree, with all conflicts and inconsistencies resolved.

Dogear implements the merge algorithm only; it doesn't handle syncing, storage, or application. It's up to the crate that embeds Dogear to store local and incoming bookmarks, describe how to build a tree from a storage backend, persist the merged tree back to storage, and upload records for changed bookmarks.


  • Rust 1.31.0 or higher

Updating this package

Once a new version of Dogear is ready to release. The new version will need to be published to crates.io. Dogear follows the documentation detailed in the Cargo book.

Steps to publish a new verison

  1. Bump the version in the Cargo.toml file
  2. Run cargo publish --dry-run
    • Validate it does what you want it to do
  3. Run cargo publish and follow the steps cargo provides