- 0
Explain in README what templates are
#36 opened by sole - 0
Use a different icon per app
#37 opened by sole - 0
Deprecate mortar-layouts
#38 opened by fwenzel - 1
- 1
- 0 file missing
#43 opened by Mozilla-GitHub-Standards - 6
ZIP file is (almost) empty
#39 opened by fwenzel - 1
Add 60 px icon as it is needed for Firefox OS
#34 opened by raivisdejus - 1
Add volo command for bundling into "packaged app"
#21 opened by fwenzel - 1
Add the WebGameStub template
#23 opened by jlongster - 4
Make install.html
#22 opened by jlongster - 4
appcache_path in manifest.webapp is incorrect
#24 opened by stasm - 5
Can't use mortar on Firefox OS Simulator
#31 opened by yurenju - 2
- 1
volo appcache should skip hidden files
#30 opened by benjiaming - 10
About the new structure
#33 opened by sys1yagi - 0
LICENSE is missing
#35 opened by sole - 3
<textarea> in edit should work like <input>
#32 opened by jsocol - 3
Installation fails (no package.json)
#28 opened by kumar303 - 0
www directory cleanup
#26 opened by fwenzel - 0
Run `npm install` when the project is created
#19 opened by jlongster - 3
Rethink js structure
#27 opened by jlongster - 1
Remove HTML5 boilerplate readme from www dir
#25 opened by fwenzel - 3
- 2
requireJS's config inconsistent
#15 opened by fwenzel - 2
volo build does not pull in CSS/JS from HTML file
#14 opened by fwenzel - 1
Remove install_xtags command
#13 opened by fwenzel - 5
Research JS framework
#1 opened by fwenzel - 1
- 2
Add manifest file
#4 opened by fwenzel - 0
feedback from hack day
#6 opened by jlongster - 1
Reconsider Google CDN inclusion
#7 opened by fwenzel - 1
Add installation code
#8 opened by jlongster - 1
- 5